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  1. Yes i lowered it to 1 and it didn't work :(
  2. Okay profile. But how can i get it to use Mind Sear when multipulling?
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Hello. This is my first Quester profile. Its some of the starting quests in Tanaris.. I will try to make it a bit longer. Tanaris 43 quest.xml
  4. Thx Alot.I have only been profiling for 4 hours tops :D I will be updating this one. As there's not many alliance quests :)
  5. Hello This is my first try to make a Quest profile. Its for some of the quests in tanaris. After some tries i finally got it to use a quest item. Then i got a quest where i had to pick up some Steamwheedle Crates. So far as i could read i had to make that part a Gather. But it won't pick the item up. :( Also my char stands and try to talk to thw quest giver even when it already have picked the 2 quests up. "Puddle Stomping" and "Seaside Salvage" Can someone pls hlp me? Tanaris 43 quest.xml
  6. well now it doens't close Wrobot. All i do is autoattack. Have loaded the fightclass in the creator and the spells are empty. i have renamed the files from .dll to .xml. then WRobot don't crash
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