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  1. LunaAlfie

    Rota Bug

    Just put Saber slash in the conditions for Pistol Shot. I.e. Spell Ready Saberslash need false.. That should solve your Problem.
  2. Hi, i`m just wondering, if i actually can use Protected Functions from Blizzard in a C sharp Condition Box?
  3. The Problem might be, that Rime is also in the Spellbook. If you check the Download Sections there`s 2 Frost DK classes that solved this issue already using C Sharp Code as Condition. (I can`t remember which code it was out of my head sorry :/)
  4. Well it`s mostly because i`m lazy yes, but it`s not just that I just can`t do such things... I`m trying to make a lasting DK Tank Class that can be used on any purpose :)
  5. Thanks, but i was hoping for a bit more well you know what i mean - i want others to do the work for me That`s why i have decided to Bot in the first place! I haven`t got the energy to learn a new Language just for this one purpose...
  6. I don`t really care, how it works as long as it works
  7. Just trying to figure of, if there is a way to auto spot off mobs from healers and dd`s but not from tanks :)
  8. Know nothing about the Bots, but the Weapons usually can be equipped only once. Are you sure you got the right names? Sometimes it`s just the end bit that differs, like for me it`s "harmonic" and something else, but appart from that they have exactly the same name.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is using a specific set of Talents (1,2,3,3,2,1,3) which will allow you to do aoe damage while primarily focusing on single target damage - Very good for PVE (untested in PvP). It is using all procs, but does not support automated battle rezz yet. Death Grip needs to be activated in the Rotation Settings before available. - Please report any Issues / Bugs :)
  10. That was not the Problem. I want to add each Potion to the Settings for the Fight Class, but only one of the Potions shows up in Settings.
  11. Draenischer Trank der Stärke (ID= 109219 ) Rune der Kraftverstärkung (ID= 118631 ) Großes draenisches Fläschchen der Stärke (ID= 109156 ) Heilsames Tonikum (ID= 109223 ) It`s all in German, but the ID`s should be the same i think?
  12. Sorry for that ^^ The Problem stays the same, no matter what you type in.. Whenever you use code it will only display one option, not all options you have made.
  13. The thing is i`m not really interested in Programming, all i want to do is battle rezz the healers and tanks before the dd`s Basically: I want to run around and dodge stuff myself, but can`t be bothered hitting all the buttons hehe But then again i think nobody here can, since this is a Forum for Bots, hm? :)
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