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  1. Can you share all the libraries in a list?
  2. I need the entire code library for wrobot 2.8.0 and a list of what each one does
  3. 5.4.8 Monk karakteri için Fight rotasyon profilini gösterebilir misiniz? Seviye atlarken hem pvp hem de pve olabilir.
  4. unfortunately this is not working. Thx
  5. Is there an automatic gear plugin for 2.4.3 or something I can use in the wrobot?
  6. If this code is useful, I think there are things that need to be completed. I didn't check this. I don't know much about coding, can anyone with knowledge help me? Can you edit this code exactly? using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public static void CheckAndProcessOre() { string oreName = "Copper Ore"; int requiredAmount = 10; if (IsBagFull()) { WoWGameObject smeltingNPC = FindNearestSmeltingNPC(); if (smeltingNPC != null) { Navigator.GoTo(smeltingNPC.Position); } } else { MineOre(oreName, requiredAmount); } } public static bool IsBagFull() { List<WoWItem> bags = Bag.GetBagItem(); foreach (WoWItem bag in bags) { if (bag != null && bag.IsValid && bag.ItemInfo != null) { int freeSlots = bag.ItemInfo.MaxCount - bag.StackCount; if (freeSlots == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } public static void MineOre(string oreName, int requiredAmount) { WoWGameObject oreNode = FindNearestOreNode(oreName); if (oreNode != null) { Navigator.GoTo(oreNode.Position); oreNode.Interact(); wManager.wManagerSetting.WaitLocalPlayerIsIdleMS = 2000; int currentAmount = GetItemCount(oreName); if (currentAmount >= requiredAmount) { WoWGameObject smeltingNPC = FindNearestSmeltingNPC(); if (smeltingNPC != null) { Navigator.GoTo(smeltingNPC.Position); } } } } public static WoWGameObject FindNearestOreNode(string oreName) { return ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntryList(Mining.OreEntryList).FindAll(node => node.Name == oreName && !node.InUse && node.IsValid && node.IsAlive)); } public static int GetItemCount(string itemName) { WoWItem[] items = Bag.GetBagItem().ToArray(); return items.Sum(item => item.ItemInfo.Name == itemName ? item.StackCount : 0); } public static WoWGameObject FindNearestSmeltingNPC() { return ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntryList(Mining.SmeltingEntryList).FindAll(npc => npc.IsValid && npc.Is Alive)); } public static int[] SmeltingEntryList = { /* Smelting NPC'ID */ };
  7. do you think this could be it? """" function Smelt() local smeltingItemID = ?????? local smeltingSpellID = ????? if IsSpellKnown(smeltingSpellID) then if HasItem(smeltingItemID) then if IsInZone("SmeltingZone") then UseItem(smeltingItemID) CastSpellByID(smeltingSpellID) end end end end function OnTick(event, ticks) if event == "??????" then smelt() end end RegisterEvent("OnTick", OnTick) """"" I'm a bit of a beginner, I don't know how to integrate
  8. I haven't started right now, I want some help if I can start smelting, the rest seems easy, only this code is needed.
  9. I need a chained profile that will automatically gather ores and, after reaching a certain quantity, process them at a smelting location and create items at a Blacksmith. At the very least, if this is not possible, having a processing module when reaching the smelting and Blacksmith locations would suffice. How can I accomplish this?
  10. Hello everyone, I'm playing TBC addon, I want to train characters only in Horde faction related to wrobot, I only need addon that I can make quest or automatic gear, of course this TBC should also work. I need a plugin that will equip itself in the Character Auto outfit class.
  11. İ need 7.3.5 World Quest and groupe heal fight class profile. pls help me ?
  12. Hello i need it world quest profile this server, and fight class.
  13. you are a very useful man, thank you, (buckup) worked. Thx
  14. Thank you for your reply, I wanted to be informed. I downloaded the same version but it does not accept the license key, is there a mistake I made? I installed the old version, the old version wrobot does not bother, but the 'language key is valid for other wrobots' message.
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