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  1. Works like a charm! Thanks Droidz!!!!
  2. Thanks! I will give that a shot Driodz
  3. Hello all, I decided to start making a quester profile for the DK starting zone for retail. Embarrassingly I have only gotten to the 2nd quest before having an issue. I finally got most of it figured out. The bot will accept the quest, loot the sword from the sword rack ( took a while to get it to stop after having 1 in its inventory), and then take the sword to the hotspot infront of the Runeforge and use the item. I had to make a non-questlog quest that uses the iscomplete function. The issue I am running into is after the bot creates the runforged sword, the loot log says that i received the item but it doesnt actually go into my bag. The iscomplete i used is "return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(38607) >= 1;" but since i do not have the actual item in my bag i think this is causeing the bot to stall and not move onto the next step which is turning in the quest. I have attached the profile, i hope it is something simple that I am missing and hopefully someone can point out my mistake so i can move on and continue learning as I go. thanks in advance! TestDK1.0.xml
  4. buying unlimited license is about the same price as 2 single subs. My buddy uses ISboxer (and I am going to be trying it out soon). But if you only have 2 accounts. You can play one and use the bot in party mode to control the 2nd account. I did that at first, played tank, botted healer
  5. I added these items to the farming tab. maxed out in less than 1 hr (1400 ancient mana) The only BIG dump i know of is the withered "army" daily, you can use up to 2k ancient mana at once this helps someone. 252774 252450 252408 245126 260249 252432 252447 252772 252449 251416 252446 252448 260248 260247
  6. i started doing this over the weekend. I control paly tank. then bot holy priest, MM Hunter, Assassin Rogue, Fire mage. Level through the random dungeon finder. Also I have the Unlimited license so I can run more than 1 instance of the bot at the same time on the same computer
  7. https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/gearhelper
  8. Good to know! Thanks for the response
  9. good point... i wonder where everyone buys their bot accounts then. Does everyone just go though battle.net and get them from the source? for 2x the price thats on g2a?
  10. I apologize if this is a repeat post, has anyone purchased WoW keys from this place? Looks almost too good to be true.
  11. Good deal. I have a little experience with coding but its been a few years and it was C++ ( i think). I will have to dig into this when i get a little bit more time. Again thank you for the profile
  12. Amazing! I do have a question. I have not found much info on how to make a healing class like this. Are there any tutorials? Also in theory, could I take this profile, and change the spell names to make it work for a different class? great work!
  13. Does this not work any longer?
  14. Thanks!! I will have to test it when I get home from work.
  15. Hello, I am trying to tweak @chapperz Demon Hunter Tank fight class. I am talented so when I use Infernal Strike (the heroic leap type ability) it applies Sigil of Flame where I land. The issue I am having is the bot is performing Infernal Strike twice in a row (it has 2 charges) and then applies Sigil of flame, so it is basically applying Sigil of Flame 3 times in a row (and sadly the damage does not stack). I am ataching my altered fight class as well as a screen shot of the target buff settings. I tried to make a condition where it would only use Infernal Strike or Sigil of Flame if the target does not have the Sigil of Flame debuff. I hope i am just missing something simple. Thanks in advance for any help! Demon Hunter Tank.xml
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