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  1. Hi, currently i am using hard-coded values like this: { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Blood, "Strength=9.06, MasteryRating=3.06, Stamina=12.06, HasteRating=7.56, CritRating=6.06, Versatility=4.56"}, { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Frost, "CritRating=6.06, MasteryRating=4.56, Strength=9.06, HasteRating=7.56, Versatility=3.06"}, { WowSpecializations.DeathKnight_Unholy, "CritRating=4.52, MasteryRating=6.02, Strength=9.02, HasteRating=7.52, Versatility=3.02"}, then i calculate some kind of itemscore for each equipped item and look for something better in bags. if i have some time, i would like to create a configuration option to make these things user-defined. and you are right.. maybe the armor-type itself(plate,cloth,leather..) should be in my calculation - thanks for the idea :)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, this is my Version of an autoequip Plugin. Better Items are choosen based on the pawn-stats from noxxic(7.1). This is the first release, problems and errors are to be expected. !!!WARNING: This plugins auto-accepts all BOE Confirmations.!!!
  3. Hi, i am trying to create some item plugin.. but the GetIemInfo.ItemEquipLoc is always true.. while it should be a string defining to which slot it can be equiped. Or even better an Enum? of the ItemSlot :) => http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/ItemEquipLoc Also can you tell me where i can get item stats and how to equip an item from bag into specific slot? Currently you are using this way to get the iteminfo: if (!ItemInfo._vuipet.TryGetValue(ehoegaupait, out itemInfo) || itemInfo == null) { lock (ItemInfo._lockItemInfo) { str = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(string.Format(BlackListSerializable.CexaheigeluTeuceEdusouhu(), ehoegaupait), ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { string[] strArrays = str.Split(new char[] { Convert.ToChar(BlackListSerializable.AxoicebaqunuMe()) }); this.ItemName = strArrays[0]; this.ItemLink = strArrays[1]; this.ItemRarity = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[2]); this.ItemLevel = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[3]); this.ItemMinLevel = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[4]); this.ItemType = strArrays[5]; this.ItemSubType = strArrays[6]; this.ItemStackCount = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[7]); this.ItemEquipLoc = strArrays[8] != ""; this.ItemTexture = strArrays[9]; this.ItemSellPrice = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[10]); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ItemName) && this.ItemName != BlackListSerializable.Heonioloupa()) { ItemInfo._vuipet.Add(ehoegaupait, this); } } As we can see ItemEquipLoc is a bool but should be a string.
  4. Oh, i can. already wrote some plugin to do that :) 01:28:51 - [Weltmeyer.AutoTrain]: Trainer Muraga not existing in npcDB. Trying to goto... 01:28:57 - [Weltmeyer.AutoTrain]: Trainer Muraga is trainer for: HerbalismTrainer 01:28:57 - [Weltmeyer.AutoTrain]: Add him to NPCdb
  5. Ok. So if i build a plugin which adds trainers automatically(similar to the autoaddvendor function in bot) then i am all set, right? :)
  6. Hi, in the bot is a function for automatically train a profession. I turned it on but it does nothing. By what i have read so far, the trainers need to be added to the npcdatabase(?) When i add them to the database, when will the bot train my professions? Currently, i am using grinder which is also gathering herbs and does mining. Will the bot train my profession when needed?
  7. Moved this to a bug report: Hi, i am trying to create some item plugin.. but the GetIemInfo.ItemEquipLoc is always true.. while it should be a string defining to which slot it can be equiped. Or even better an Enum? of the ItemSlot :) => http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/ItemEquipLoc Also can you tell me where i can get item stats and how to equip an item from bag into specific slot? Currently you are using this way to get the iteminfo: if (!ItemInfo._vuipet.TryGetValue(ehoegaupait, out itemInfo) || itemInfo == null) { lock (ItemInfo._lockItemInfo) { str = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(string.Format(BlackListSerializable.CexaheigeluTeuceEdusouhu(), ehoegaupait), ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { string[] strArrays = str.Split(new char[] { Convert.ToChar(BlackListSerializable.AxoicebaqunuMe()) }); this.ItemName = strArrays[0]; this.ItemLink = strArrays[1]; this.ItemRarity = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[2]); this.ItemLevel = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[3]); this.ItemMinLevel = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[4]); this.ItemType = strArrays[5]; this.ItemSubType = strArrays[6]; this.ItemStackCount = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[7]); this.ItemEquipLoc = strArrays[8] != ""; this.ItemTexture = strArrays[9]; this.ItemSellPrice = Others.ParseInt(strArrays[10]); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ItemName) && this.ItemName != BlackListSerializable.Heonioloupa()) { ItemInfo._vuipet.Add(ehoegaupait, this); } } So, at first step, maybe you can set the itemequiploc just the string result?
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