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Jasabi got a reaction from kholo in Stutter Moving - Vanilla
do you have hardware cursor and verticle sync enabled?
Jasabi got a reaction from kholo in Stutter Moving - Vanilla
I noticed when vertical sync is disabled, it starts this behaviour
Jasabi got a reaction from Freeziepop in Complete List of FightClassEditor functionality ( Vanilla WoW )
To be honest, most functions you need for a basic rotation work fine.
I dont see what the problem is?
Maybe if you would tell us which options you are looking to use and which arent working we can help you out, instead of just complaining?
Jasabi got a reaction from ScripterQQ in Stealth not working
Do you have an example to do this in c#?
Jasabi reacted to reapler in Register Combat_Log with args
Hello again, i made a workaround for that if someone is interested(a bit ugly):
public void Initialize() { EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += Events; Lua.LuaDoString ( "wframe = CreateFrame('Frame') " + "local Frame = true " + "arg = {'1', '2', '3', '4','5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12','13', '14'} " + "wframe:RegisterEvent('COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED') " + "wframe:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) " + "for i=1, 14 " + "do " + "if select(i, ...) == nil or select(i, ...) == '' then " + "arg[i] = '' " + "else " + "arg[i] = select(i, ...) " + "end " + "end " + "RunMacroText('/click '..arg[1]..'§'..arg[2]..'§'..arg[3]..'§'..arg[4]..'§'..arg[5]..'§'..arg[6]..'§'..arg[7]..'§'..arg[8]..'§'..arg[9]..'§'..arg[10]..'§'..arg[11]..'§'..arg[12]..'§'..arg[13]..'§'..arg[14]..'') " + "end) " ); //... } public void Events(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) { //Combatlog if (id == LuaEventsId.EXECUTE_CHAT_LINE) { string[] arg = args[0].Replace("/click", "").Split('§'); Logging.Write(arg[3]); Logging.Write(arg[9]); } }
Jasabi got a reaction from wolerix in Battlegrounder
did you guys remove the "Dont queue if im not party leader"?
please dont bot obviously in bgs ;)
Jasabi got a reaction from Marsbar in Complete List of FightClassEditor functionality ( Vanilla WoW )
Anything that can be done in v1/v3 of zzukbot can be done in wRobot. I have developed stuff on zzukbot back in the day and v3 of zuukbot is nothing more than WRobot without any botbases.
The fight has nothing to do with the engine, it has to do with what you code and how cleverly you manage to set up your fightclass. The only restriction on WRobot is your own creativeness.