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Everything posted by Terrortoby

  1. works fine so far. but can you tell me why it does not attack the crimson crabs? only the crocodiles?
  2. okay... it kinda works now... but i get the log: 23:59:55 - [Auction] Skip mail step, no new mail. directly after he bought some items... so he doesnt take the items out, someone got the same problem?
  3. lol... ok thanks. :/
  4. push. still getting this error... HELP
  5. okay, thank you! do i have to write the inforamtion on english or on my client languague?
  6. Im getting this error sometimes... and the bot stops and wow close. someone knows what this is or what i have to do? [E] 09:10:35 - Wow try to call protected function, if this happen frequently please report it. [E] 09:10:35 - [WarGuard] Call > GetThreadContext from: 57513aeb rebased: 573d3aeb
  7. ??
  8. hmm... what items do you guys use for it? is there a already set up list from someone?
  9. Hey there, ive already used the questing and the grinding bot for a while now. But now i read something about a Auctionbot... so my question is, how does it work? what i have to do? is it worth it? and how dangerours is it? Is there a guide for it? Greetings :)
  10. i agree. this bot is so simple and good! i love it. Lets hope the banwave in US will not hit europe as hard as there., because of the new WoW-Mark system. Anyways, i would love to see a 1-110 Questingprofile/script and would also pay for it if it is worth. Keep it up buddy!
  11. possible to use for a fresh lvl 100 char?
  12. doesnt work at all on the german client. :(
  13. okok guys... what about the travel form thing? is this still a thing? its a complete new account, so i dont have a sky golem anyways... and is it possible to farm from lvl 100 on? or do i need to lvl somehow up? And what is about the lvl 110 orderhall quests and artefaktquests.. are there any profiles for that?
  14. Hey there, i just bougth the full lifetime key from this bot and a new legion game, so my plan is to bot on a sperat account to get atleast 200k per month, to pay this account + my main account. Now my question, what is the best char to make this gold? I need to know what char i should make to use the lvl 100 boost from the legion addon... i think its a good way to make a tauren druid and let him grind herbs, isnt it? Because of the faster herb collecting and the travelmount? and if i do a druid, what specc should i use? feral or moonkin? or maybe a DH because op? So my next question is, what is the best way to make gold asap? Do i need to make lvl 110 or can i just start to grind from lvl 100 on? Greetings and thx!
    ncie profile as always... just died to many times while grinding as filler at this elite undead in the right upper corner of the map. Goriax or something like that is his name...
  15. i used it before, so yes it should be. Im using Eeny_28-35_Horde_STV.xml it changes the Bot state: Quester and Bot state: BattlePet. Edit: i guess i found the problem... this was a questing profil for 20-35 and i already was 35. So i guess the profile was just done :) testing the next now. have a nice day!
  16. heyhey... im about to lvl my druid up. But somehow the bot doesnt start anymore: 18:06:17 - [Memory] Select game process: 308 - Ter... 18:06:18 - [Quester] Loaded 18:06:19 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 18:06:19 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (92 spell found) 18:06:19 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook... 18:06:19 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded. [F] 18:06:38 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\...\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\6.1 feral druid.xml 18:06:39 - [Quester] Started it stands still and does nothing. someone got the same problem?
  17. how 6.1 feral druid.xml Edit: nvm. i works now... just need to know now why the Travel Form doesnt work as Ground mount... did i miss something? 08:50:15 - [Mount] This mount does not exist: Travel Form
  18. Done, but still tells me: 08:50:15 - [Mount] This mount does not exist: Travel Form someone can help? please
  19. works. thx alot
  20. Done. 22:59:08 - 0 file(s) need to be updated 22:59:08 - Check for updated files. 22:59:08 - Product changed: WRobot for Offical Wow server still get this: 23:00:12 - [Memory] Select game process: 8876 - Ter... 23:00:12 - [Quester] Loaded 23:00:12 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 23:00:12 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (89 spell found) 23:00:12 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook... 23:00:12 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded. [E] 23:00:20 - Quester > Main > Start(): System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "Void wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AddNpcRange(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<wManager.Wow.Class.Npc>, Boolean)". bei Quester.Bot.Widagi.IfaefenofiohId(Boolean exoelevejaigo, String aweguiXe) bei Main.Start()
  21. im still getting this: [E] 22:53:46 - Quester > Main > Start(): System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "Void wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AddNpcRange(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<wManager.Wow.Class.Npc>, Boolean)". bei Quester.Bot.Widagi.IfaefenofiohId(Boolean exoelevejaigo, String aweguiXe) bei Main.Start()
  22. same here... always get: Please select game Process and connect to the game. After i click ok, i wants to start WoW in a 32 bit mode. But i already use WoW in a 32 Bit mode... someone can help? please! :) edit: used upodater.exe and now im in the botmenue: but now im getting this eror: [E] 22:36:08 - Quester > Main > Start(): System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "Void wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AddNpcRange(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<wManager.Wow.Class.Npc>, Boolean)". bei Quester.Bot.Widagi.IfaefenofiohId(Boolean exoelevejaigo, String aweguiXe) bei Main.Start()
  23. got the same problem... how do i set the condition to use the abilitys only in cat form? i did the catform as a buff, Name: Cat Form, Need: True. But after he healed up he doesnt change back to cat form...
  24. well t tried now the Legion feral druid. an now my druid still use Moonfire and autoaatcks. No regrowth, no feralskills, no catform... someone help me please :/ edit: ok i made my own fightclass now, and its works kinda okay... but still cant manage it to bring my char back into cat form after he healed up in human form... someone can help? I use: Spell Cat Form as the highes priority, Is buff: true, Conditions: Buff: name: Cat Form, Need: True. But he does not switch back into the form.... please someone help me
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