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Everything posted by nudl

  1. I can't say anything about the error message, but wrobot.exe must have around 800kb after a fresh install, and it's last / second last bot. Here you just have 77kb, 1kb, 1kb. >Use Updater Maybe I'm wrong, sorry.
  2. Had the same issue, for me it was gone with a fresh install (but just copying all settings etc.)
  3. Sorry. Didn't think more about it. I'll take a coffee. Thank's for making that clear.
  4. - Try this. Use with Quester.
  5. You could use a Quester Profile. PickUp Mail f.e., then go to auctioneer: (Replace MAILBOXENTRY/AUCTIONEERENTRY) use /framestack ingame and search for the tsm buttons you need, then use another "RunLuaCode" with BUTTONNAME:Click() with it. Could work, can't test. Edit: Don't say that's anywhere near perfect or something, but as long as nobody else has something... dunno.
  6. "to travel the lands of Kalimdor" haha, thanks for the laugh. :'D No problem. Here to help.
  7. ExitZF shouldn't (and can't?) work like this, because you have the can condition "return (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Kalimdor);" But you are in ZF. So this can't work, but you are saying it does? D: Other than that, try with a fresh install of wrobot (Just install another in another folder and try it with that one.) Maybe it's one of your settings.
  8. Add a Herbing/Mining Trainer in NPC List with the Gatherer Profile Creator. WRobot should go to the trainer itself.
  9. Yeah, pretty much only for real money. But tbh I always got myself some gold to my main.
  10. Schon gesehen? Liegt es daran?
  11. Here, someone who had the same problem did this:
  12. Hey, I'll try to answer all your questions. It's never safe to even attach the bot to an account you 100% don't want to lose. (You can risk it, nobody can tell you, how high the risk is.) You have to buy the game AND the gametime, yes. For each Account. Not really that cheap, but maybe you can get your hand on some cheaper gamekeys. The best would be if you never transfer anything to your main, but IF you need to, take the route over a guildbank. (only a suggestion.) And look here: No need to excuse you for your use of English.
  13. You can create a basic Fightclass with it. Even for vanilla, yes.
  14. Can confirm that bot this sometimes is a problem (in 3.3.5a too), but not only the Inkeeper in Goldshire. It's kinda random.
  15. nudl

    Self Removing Wrobot

    Maybe it's your antivirus with a false detect? Had something like this too. ^^
  16. Do not bot with Addons activated.
  17. Hey CarloBotto return ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(ID).Count == 0; You can use this. Just change ID to the... ID, yeah. You could instead of this == operator use also >=, <= (less, more than and equal), >, < (less, more) and != (not equal). Just fyi. You don't need to have the quest. Be sure to check "not required in questlog". And, you pretty much have to search for them.
  18. <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false;" /> Should work like this, yep.
  19. wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false;
  20. Could you maybe attach your log? Maybe the Profile doesn't work?
  21. Why not create a normal quest for call of earth? You just need 2 Items from two mobs. Just use the can and if condition, and create a kill and loot quest or something? Or am I missing something?
  22. Please try to use Quester instead of Grinder. I'm currently working on Dungeonprofiles and with Quester I had no problems regarding Mobs.
  23. In a Questerprofile you could send your bot to that specific position and then add this: <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="CastSpellByID("115315")" /> This will cast "Summon Black Ox Statue". To force the bot to sell/go to town (if mammoth activated, it will use it instead) use <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true;" /> Can't test it, but should work
  24. Just tried with Custom Spell/Item. Worked with any duration.
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