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File Comments posted by tneticniro

  1. Wow this sounds amazing, I'll be trying this out for sure!

    Is all classes supported?

    And like @lbniese says, it is indeed nice to see people releasing free stuff instead of asking for money all the time. Were all in the same community afterall :)

  2. Gave up on the profile at 18-25 since it needed far too much babysitting when it constantly ran through ashenvale stonetalon and the barrens. It kept running into the Silverwing Guards in ashenvale and died, and often pulled too many mobs and died in stonetalon mountains during the goblin quests.

    So due to all that jazz I've been using this

     to skip up to level 25 so I can activate the next profile (1k Needles 25-27) which I will be giving feedback for as well

  3. Can't seem to make it use Hunter's Mark, Concussive Shot, Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Monkey and Mend Pet even though I've enabled them in the settings :/

    Would also like to see some more pet management so it isn't required to have your pet set to "Defensive" stance and Feign Death when having aggro would be sick as well so your pet gets the aggro.

    Another issue is that the bot doesn't move closer/further from the mob when it's in "death zone" range (when you aren't in range of melee nor ranged attacks.

  4. Currently level 15 (not botting 24/7, I'd say maybe 4-5 hours a day) and the bot has been doing a decent job with a bit of babysitting, there has been a few issues though:

    1. When the bot was on this quest http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=869 it would basically never get to kill any Raptors (it was running 2 hrs with only 1 head collected) because it would kill every mob it got close to so by the time it was to attack a raptor, another guy had killed it. It also seemed to only circle around x-road which doesn't have a lot of raptor spawns.

    2. The bot got stuck on trying to pickup http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=872 before having it unlocked from the previous quest http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=871 (it never went to do this quest, but it did pick it up)

    3. When the bot was on this quest http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=850 it would wait for Barak to spawn in the ramp to the hut - resulting in aggroing several mobs when Barak spawns thus resulting in a endless death loop because of too many mobs. I recommend making the bot wait for Barak to spawn somewhere else.

    Rest of the issues I believe has to do with WRobot itself though and a too basic fight class. these issues are:
    1. Swimming is really weird, it acts if you were to spam forward (w) instead of holding it down.
    2. Bot doesn't CC additional mobs aggroed thus resulting in frequent deaths (fighting class issue)

    edit: been using "Barrens, Stonetalon, Ashenvale 11-25, Fix.xml" in the barrens because the other barrens profile got stuck on trying to pick up Meat To Orgimmar quest while I couldnt get that as an Undead.

  5. On 4/21/2017 at 6:58 AM, y2krazy said:

    While leveling a fresh Mage, after resurrecting (and/or after killing a mob), instead of waiting for Mana to regen (you get ~30% Mana when you resurrect), it continues to pull mobs until they eventually kill me due to not being able to cast spells because of being out of Mana. Thoughts?

    Just enable drinking in the advanced settings under "General Settings"

  6. It seems to be skipping all the trash mobs unless i manually target them?, been looking through my settings and cannot find a way to fix this on my own. And yes "Start fighting with Elites" is enabled

    Also will we be seeing more profiles for dungeons in the near future - especially the big profit ones? (AQ, Uldaman, RFD, Maraudon, DM N, DM E... etc.)

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