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Everything posted by scrublord69420

  1. Still having bans anyone? I babysit it and only to farm skinning, haven't tried since all these bans (ive never been banned) but I'm afraid to even open wrobot at this point.
  2. I found a multiline macro #showtooltip Feed Pet /cast [@pet, dead] Revive Pet /cast [nopet, nocombat] Call Pet 1 /cast [pet, combat] Mend Pet /cast [pet, nocombat] Feed Pet /use [nocombat] 0 1 I guess this will eat food if its in the #1 inventory slot Can you call multi line with lua in the same spell or how does that work? Would I create an in game macro and call the macro as a spell? How?
  3. Is there a way to feed my hunter pet "X" food after "x" amount of time, or "x" number of monsters killed? If this isn't possible with fight class/lua in fight class could someone make a plugin that does this?
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