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  1. Feign Death works better now. Not perfect but better. Getting aggro of multiple mobs still isnt a thing
  2. Guess that's a bug with the tbc version right now. I got it to work so far pretty good now after a few problems. Hopefully the update will sort things even more out
  3. could you pm me your discord name? I don't find it..D:
  4. I also have the problem with Aspect of the hawk, feign death thingy and getting aggro with multiple mobs. Even after a fresh install and all stuff.
  5. I have kinda the same issue. Bot is sometimes just starting to fly topwards in a spiral and stucks there. With the constant reloading and wierd movement bugging this bot is getting unusable. With the annoying reloads I could live, but not with wierd movement behaviour
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