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Everything posted by Findeh

  1. You are right, of course. The question is how to find the coordinates of the "bad" spot. You can't just add a spot whenewer you want for the pathfinder, so you have to use the code Droidz posted. And for that code, i belive, i need an exact coordinates of the next pathfinder spot, that forces the bot facehit the wall.
  2. Almost sure that this is an autoequip plugin messages. They do nothing bad, it just works like this.
  3. I'm trying to sove some doorse problem (actually like every door in the game) with code like this: But i don't really get it. I need the exact coordinates of the bad spot (that is inside the wall, for example) to change it with my own coordinates. I have tryed to calculate them but this is obviously not the "Exact" coordinates of the spot that bot is going to. What is the easy way to do that? Am i have to just try all mesh spots, that are located close enough to the wall, one by one? Thank you in advance for your answers.
  4. Good day. Well, as title says. Bot blacklist mobs and when they respawn he just ignors them for like 10 minutes more. This is a waist of time and look botlike. I have tried some solutions but still got nothing acceptable. First thing. wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); do nothing. Second thing. wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklist(); Clear all blacklists, the main problem is that it clears blacklisted zones (with elite mobs, or evade mobs, or places where bot stucks an so on) So this is clearly not a solution. Third thing. Clear session blacklist button in Tools options is not clearing current session, it do: ClearBlacklist(); and clear all zones blacklisted with profile as well. I'm not even sure is it a bug or not a bug or is it 3 bugs. Thank you in advance for any advices
  5. Not a Bug? That's it? May i ask why?
  6. Vanilla Krinkle Goodsteel can repair items but bot does not repair while trading with him at all. http://db.vanillagaming.org/?npc=5411
  7. And how to prevent this from happening? Right now i'm constantly deleting mesh folder 2-3 times per day, this is not a great solution.
  8. Thank you. Do you, maybe, need any help with it, maybe some more info to gather or something i can do. If anything, let me know.
  9. I guess you can make a simple plugin for that, something like "If i'm a ghost, and i'm not moving, push forward for 2 seconds" Or something more complicated with events, reading pop up window or corpse range. Or just move closer to the corpse coordinates. Something like that.
  10. Not sure is it working or not, haven't tested it yet.
  11. Sooo, how is it going? Or we will just wait one more year till some one else will report this?
  12. You will have to delete all other vendors except one or use set of conditions with quester to be able dynamically decide which vendor should you use.
  13. Hm, not what i have imagined but this might work, thank you.
  14. Greetings. Sorry in advance for my english. Bot sometimes skip regen phase. And sometimes he don't need to regenerate after the combat, but then he uses, for example, buffs and now he need to regen. But he skips it and engage the fight. So i'm trying to fix it with checking all needed conditions again in loop, or by listening the lua events. But i have stuck with force-regen call. have tryed wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Regeneration.Run() but, well, this is not working :) Thank you for any advices.
  15. Thank you for your answer. Yeah, googled it, it might be an server side change. Maybe they are trying to do something with performance, by lowering the range of objects. I just will do workaround then. Thank you.
  16. I was using some objects as a condition. If that object is around, do stuff. Now all my bots can't see that objects at the same positions. "Dump all information" shows that there is no such objects if it's 76+ meters away.
  17. Is there was any update for the last 3 days? Some of my code, that manages objects and actions with objects, is not working anymore. Additionally, there was an additionl menu 2 days ago with "closest object" and now that menu gone, that makes me thing that there was an update
  18. Unsolvable. Unsolvoble. At the forum. Download / Download plugins: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/26-plugins/ Possible with c# by using MovementManager.StopMoveTo but it works really bad for grinder, most of the times not work at all.
  19. Thank you alot. It is working, return seconds, like lua should. That's funny, because technically it's the same function. I guess my method was broken because of bad return or local variables declaration.
  20. Thank you for your reply, but the problem is, there is no c# functions (atleast i have not found one) to check CD of equipped items. They works only with items in your bags, but not with equipped one. For example, if you will use a trinket and then put it in your bag, wManager.Wow.Helpers.Bag.GetContainerItemCooldown(itemID) will return correct CD time of that trinket (while it is in your bag). But if you equip that trinket, it will aways return 0, as if you have not such item. btw, just was curious as well, maybe it will usefull for someone. wManager.Wow.Helpers.Bag.GetContainerItemCooldown(itemID) returns time of CD left in milliseconds, for example for 30 minutes trinket it will return 1800000 if you just used it, and 0 if it's ready to use or if there is no such item in your bag.
  21. I'm trying to make a small function (maybe plugin) that uses trinkets. And i'm stuck with trinket cd time left. I'd like to use it as a c# condition. Have tried different lua methods, and they always return 0 or False. private bool FirstTrinketReady = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local s, d, e = GetInventoryItemCooldown(\"player\",13); t=GetTime(); if s+d<=t then return = \"true\" else return = \"false\" end"); Always return False. private int FirstTrinketMSLeft = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local s, d, e = GetInventoryItemCooldown(\"player\",13); t=GetTime(); r=s+d-t; if r>0 then return = r else return = 0 end"); Always return 0. Can't understand why. I'm not good at Lua. Do hope that's happening because i'm falling asleep already, or because of some really stupid mistake. Any advices apriciated. And the second thing, i was not able to use an equiped item by ID with wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.UseItem(uint itemId). It uses item in inventory, no problem here, but it is not working for equiped items. Right now i'm doing it with lua UseInventoryItem(slot). Is there any way to use equiped items by item id? Thank you for any advices.
  22. Aha, that's explain alot. Thank you! Can you please explain alittle how should i use "if" step in quest order correctly, if i need to do "fork" construction (conditional operator), that will skip some steps. Something like this: [0] Do something [1] Do something [2] if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(1, 2, 3)) < 20) then Go-to-step 30 [3] Do something [4] Do something Maybe there is an example somewhere. Sorry for the stupid question.
  23. If your continent was changed, if i did get the question right. Every continent got the name. To see your current continent go: Tools / Development Tool / Me & Target position For example, if you were at the Azeroth and then wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.ContinentId != (int)wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Azeroth, then you have been teleported.
  24. You may try to use a Reloger to change between quester and grinder. But it will do it with a timer, not with a x level reached.
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