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Everything posted by Findeh

  1. Good day, guys. Have tried to solve some existing bot problems by listening an events. The idea is, for example,, when bot need to regen, do something. So i've tried to listen in loop like this: But it's do nothing, and, to be honest, i don't understand how it works, so can't get what am i doing wrong and it how to fix this. Maybe the problem is like: "everithing wrong", sorry for that, i'm writing shit-code not on purpos, just because of my stupidity.
  2. Nope, no result
  3. Thank you for response. I have sent you a full profile that creates that spinning, log file and the video of me spinning
  4. Seems like it happens because of bad mesh. It happens often. Most of the times, Bot just adds this place to blacklist, which is annoying but that's it. But sometimes, you can't add a place to blacklist, because it's the only path to go. So how do i upgrade mesh? Have tried to create offmesh connection, it did nothing. Is it working for vanilla or still not?
  5. Got exactly the same problem with different classes. Have anyone solved it already? Or maybe any advices for solving it? Sometimes this issue causes unending loop of death, resurrect -> engage fight with no mana / health -> realise spirit -> repeat. So it's kind of annoying. Food options: 40-80% Drink options: 20-80% Use Drink true UPD have tryed to turn Attack Before Been Attacked to false, it's not helping. It seems like the Regen happens only on fight end, but when you have resurected, that's not a fight end, so lets engage.. Will try to check it tooday.
  6. Seems like it's pretty common problem with bad meshes near the vendor. For example, Warsong gulch vendors (the horde one) totally broken as well. There are like 20 different ways for bot to stuck there.
  7. The simple conditions like this seems working for me: if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent < 40 && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) { Spell.Launch(true, true, false); } UPD: No, i lied, not working, still casting twice
  8. Good day. Sorry in advance for my english. Sometimes in the log i'm getting the message: "Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight" Right now my fightclass is not working properly when this message is apears, and my bot dies. For example, there is 2 bears. Bot runs to them, getting that message and after that he seems like not counting one of the bears as a target, because ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().Where(u => u.GetDistance <= 5).ToList().Count > 1 returns false, he is not doing what he supose to do in cases where is 2 or more attackers and he dies. But if i pull the same 2 bears with the bot program stopped, and only then press "start the bot" then he will count this 2 bears as 2 targets and there will no problem for him to kill them. So the question is, what is that message means, why is it happens at the totally normal pack of 2 mobs and how to force bot not do this (not try to skip the fight and die) Thank you for any advices.
  9. Thanks alot. Can you please, if it's possible, add the same function when interact with Chests? Right now druids can't open chests Thank you!
  10. Thank you, but even with this plugin installed my bot just goes to the vendor, tryes to interact with him, geting the message "Cannot speak while shapeshifted" cancels shapeshift, blacklists the vendor and goes to another location (dieing because of high level mobs there). That does seems right at all. And targeting will not work with mailboxes or any other npc. :(
  11. So if i need like 200 grinding profiles (i really do) i will have to write 200 quest profiles by hand or make 200 different npc bases? Am i getting it right? And why then do we have NPC option inside the grinding profile creator?
  12. Any way to chek something like "Are we standing still 10 seconds already?" i've tried use "!ObjectManager.Me.GetMove" but it's sometimes =true even while move.
  13. Thank you once again for your advices. Don't know why but if i'm placing OnFightEnd it's ruin skinning. Did it this way. Buff() code block used all the time (no condition), but every buff is used with like 6 different conditions. Still not perfect, but atleast it buffs before combat as well now. I have tryed as well to make bot stop moving if we are inside the buff section and we need to buff, but it looks wierd, not like it supose to be. He starts to move alittle wierd shaking :)
  14. Well, this is a nice thing. Thank you. Tested it, it seems like it's triggered when target is dead. So if you got 2 target, buffs will be triggered when you have killed one, but still got one to kill.
  15. Got your point, will experiment then. Thank you.
  16. Will it cause any troubles if i have 700-1700 items list (txt)? And i will add them all inside the General-name.realm.xml file? Thank you.
  17. 3) Almost forgot, how do i cancel shapesift when i'm going to interact with vendor? There is the same problem, no auto cancel shift, maybe we need a condition like "SellingInProgress", when you are already at the nps, not when you are running to him. Thank you for any advices.
  18. Good day. Got a couple questions about druid shapeshifting 1) Is there any inbuid function to cancel shapshift? Or should i use custom one like this? 2) When bot needs to drink, and he is shifted, he does not cancel shapeshift by its own, he just standing and spamming water item. ANd recivind the message "Can't use items while shapeshifted" How do i fix that? Is there any state (like RegenerationInProgress) to check it and cancel my form in fightclass? Thank you in advance.
  19. Question is still open. Why is it happening? Why bot is not following the code in FC? Additional things 1) Any default (in build) function to cencel shapesifting? 2) How to crate Fairie Fire (Feral) spell? public Spell FaerieFire = new Spell("Faerie Fire (Feral)"); and public Spell FaerieFire = new Spell("Faerie Fire (Feral)()"); Not working for me.
  20. Im sorry. I take my words back. Still not working. You still able to "stuck" inside the Buff() section during the combat.
  21. Okay, nwm, have fixed that with !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat So if some one interested: if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { Buff(); } if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { FightRotation(); } } This will work. You will stop do Buff(), quit this code section and will go to FightRotation if during the Buff() the combat was started.
  22. Got a new problem now, at my rotation the is peace of code for Buff i have formed it as a void Buff() function and placed all buffs inside, no problems with that. Now i need to call this function with the criteria: "if not fighting" the problem is, if i place it inside the if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) without any criteria, like this: if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { Buff(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { FightRotation(); } } then i'll buff during combat as well. if i place it with criteria like this: if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { if (!Fight.InFight) { Buff(); } if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { FightRotation(); } } The weird things happens. For example, bot runs, decides to Buff(), goes inside that function, body-pulls the mob (just because continue to run his path, for example). Now he is in combat, but he does not live Buff() function, and don't continue to buff, even though his buffs are usable in combat. Guess it's because of !Fight.InFight criteria before Buff(). So he just autoattack the mob, don't do FightRotation() because he is not in the FightRotation() code block. If he kills the mob with his autoattack, he just continue to buff from the place where he stopt and then runs as normal, till the next situation like this. So i need to code a condition where Buff() will be priority number 1, but only if we not in combat. And if during the buff the combat started, we should quit the Buff() and start the FightnRotation() Is it even possible? Thank you in advance.
  23. @reapler thanks alot, going to test it right now.
  24. If i'm not mistaken, /cancelform is not working in vanilla. + to this, druids need to be shifted when they are running to vendor (even out of combat), but during the selling process they have to cancel shapeshift and not shapeshift back.
  25. Good day, guys. I'm tyrying to make a construction that checks is target can bleed or not. Have found the CreatureTypeTarget() function, that returns String, but not sure how should i compare strings in c#. Trying to use that construction, but it says something like: "wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WowUnit.CreatureTypeTarget can not be used as a method". private bool TargetCanBleed() { return ( (object.Equals("Elemental", ObjectManager.Me.CreatureTypeTarget())) || (object.Equals("Mechanical", ObjectManager.Me.CreatureTypeTarget())) ); } How should i compare them right, to make function return bool result? Thank you in advance for any advices.
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