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Posts posted by Findeh

  1. 2) "Ignore fights when traveling" was turned off at every bot by default. And it is turned off right now, but bot is still doing that. So my guess it's not because of this. I think it have something to do with temporarily ignored mobs (as i mentioned earlyer, mobs that are ignored because of skinning bug, for example, or loot bug, or for any other reason)

    i've made 3 video for you, Different profiles, different bots. Also first 2 video coming with a logs. unfortunately i don't have any software for video making on my boting computer, so it's just telephone made, sorry for that.

  2. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    About the 4, you get this problem when you start to attack mob when you on mount? (and your fightclass have not available spell to use?) if yes this will be fixed in next update also

    No, it's low level spot, no mount available yet, and this happens weirdly. Not like "every first mob after the long run", but more like: "every second mob" instead. I will try to gather more information first, other way i will all be based on my guesses.

  3. 1) i'll wait, thank you.
    2) Was the first thing that i've checked and it was desabled by default. I will try to set it false with a code inside of profile.
    3) Can't activate 3d radar on those pc, but will try to use something else to catch it.
    4) i'm using only my own fightclasses and plugins, + some old unupdatable plugins like autoequip. Bot just don't start autoattack or use skill on some mobs (mostly agressive mobs) but do aoutoattack not agressive (yellow) mobs. Will also try to film that after solveing #2 problem because it's the most critical.


  4. 1) Log out after log in
    2) Bot is running away from mobs instead of fightning them and, as result, dieing
    3) Bot is running in to blaclisted (red) zones
    4) Bot is not attacking half of the mobs from stealth, just coming close to the mob, stands next to it for a while, then ignores it and moves to the next one.

    That's what i've noticed during just couple hours.


  5. Okay, it seems like this: Bot decides to go somewhere, let's say 30 meters forward. He clicks there with ctm, but if he got attacked on his way to that point by some mobs that he ignoreb because of THIS bug, that i've have reportad and many others for like years, then he just continue his run with a bunch of mobs on his back (moveing weirdly during this, because he will try to set correct distance to the target while running from it...)


  6. Okay, i've updated it. Now when i'm starting bot with relogger it's log in, and logs out immediately after then, while wrobot have not even statred yet. Then it starts wrobot, log in again and only after that he is running normally.

    So every Start bot with relogger = log in, then log out, then log in. This is kind of suspicious if 20+ guys do the same thing at the same moment. Why is that happens?

  7. Okay, turned it off, minus 5 bots at the next day... and i have seen my bots face running trees and walls again, So nothing have changed...

    So what should i do with that? When pathing will work normally and i will be able to do not use plugins that are disconnecting me once every 30 minutes?

  8. I've got a plugin that is logout the bot if pathfinder server is down. I have to use it constantly after my whole farm was banned twice because of pathfinder problem.

    Now i have a new problem. It started about 3-4 days (maybe alittle more) ago. My bots are constantly logout. Sometimes every 15-20 minutes. And not all at once, but instead, only some of them. Some of them now, another later and so on. In 3-5 hours they will be all offline for sure.

    It could be internet problem, but i don't have any latency problem when they are logout. Also in that case it would happen globally, they sould have to logout all at once, not like they are doing now.

    In log i've got message like:

    [D] 20:16:01.153 - GetRequest(string url="https://pathfindervanilla.mmorobot.com/", string parameters="FindPath=eyJLIjoiMjM4MzcyNjA1NDM1IiwiQyI6IkthbGltZG9yIiwiUyI6eyJYIjoyNTQzLjI5NjYzLCJZIjotMzU1Mi40NzQsIloiOjU4Ljk5OTgzfSwiRSI6eyJYIjoyNTQ1LjM4NiwiWSI6LTM1MzkuOTcsIloiOjU5LjA4NTgxfSwiVyI6MS41LCJCIjpmYWxzZSwiQSI6W10sIkYiOjIsIkciOjAsIkwiOmZhbHNlfQ==")#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'pathfindervanilla.mmorobot.com'
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.PostRequest(String url, String parameters, Boolean showErrors, Int32 requestTimeoutMs)


    [D] 20:31:12.491 - GetRequest(string url="http://pathfindervanilla.wrobot.eu/?IsOnline=1", string data="IsOnline=1"): System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'pathfindervanilla.wrobot.eu'
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetRequest(String url, String data, Boolean showErrors, Int32 requestTimeoutMs)


    The log checking code i'm using is Droidz one:


            robotManager.Events.LoggingEvents.OnAddLog += delegate(robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Log log)
                    if (log.Text.StartsWith("GetRequest(string url=\"http://pathfinder") ||
                        log.Text.StartsWith("GetRequest(string url=\"https://pathfinder"))

    So, basically, it's just looking for a Pathfinder word in the log.

    It looks to me that previously "pathfinder" word was apear in log only when the server is down, but now it apears from time to time for other reasons, that's why my plugin constantley kicking me out. So the question is: those errors in my logs, that do include "pathfinder" word, is that a real pathfider request problem or is that a thing that i can skip by rewriting the plugin code alittle? And nothing bad will not happen? like bots will not stuck in a tree, or somethig.

    Thank you in advance.

  9. There a lot places like this, actually. Just Thoradins Wall and Cenarion Hold are the most noticable. You can try to runn the bot in the Hordes Warsong Gulch camp, it will be even more fun. He ignores an entire mountain.. And will ignor almost every tree near it. Places like this are also exist in Dun Morogh, Badlands, Teldrasil, Winterspring, Tanaris and who knows where else.

    Also both Thoradins Wall and Cenarion Hold problems were reported many times. It seems like it's more complicated that it seems, so no result yet.

  10. This is common thing, yeah. Just report him back. Constantly, like once a day.

    Also for him. Prices will not go up with you reports, there are always more then you are able to report. But when you help GMs to ban bots, there is higher chance then they will come for yours next (just because there will be less tickets to delay them from doing that). The more work to do they have, the better. If there will be not much tickets they may start to patrol, just because they are bored, and when they patrol, nothing will save you, especially if your bots are the only one that left.

  11. On 8/16/2018 at 6:49 PM, food4me said:

    For people who do not program "like me," this bot is a nightmare and a joke.

    I'm going kind of suppor that partially. Sometimes, for people that are programmers it's a nightmare and joke as well. To many bugs that you can't workaround and no one going to fix them ever. Sometimes people fix part of them with paid or free plugins. It should not be like that, it should just work without 34 plugins that are fixing obvious things, that should work "from the box".

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