Botting more then one account at a time on one ip is a banabe offense and is not tolirated by lightshope tos. so need to have each wow.exe behind each owns proxy. but as for bans go i lost 3 accounts the other day all running seperate proiles and all hidden behind a proxy i cant say for sure but i dont think they were reported. as for botting more then 5 accounts on northdale, i heard they can detect if u use more then 5 proxies at a time and there for can ban u. Dont know if thats true or not but it seems legit siince there has been reports of other peopel losing more then 5 accounts at a time out of no where with no reports. In my opinion i think over 6 is overkill and shouldnt be done but thats on u if u want to create all those accounts and deal with setting up that many bots. But one thing you should do when creating accounts is make an account using that proxy ur gonna bot that account on. If you make 15 accounts and use the same ip to make them then they will be flagged when u start them up to bot and there on different ips then what u created them on.