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Everything posted by Lindman112

  1. Is wrobot not compatible anymore with the new classic version clients? On Everlook you can use both 1.12 and their classic launcher I played there on normal 1.12 and got banned within 20 min on both accounts
  2. Yes I got insta-banned within the first 20 minutes, seems like wrobot isnt working on "new" clients i.e classic versions
  3. I made a post a few weeks ago about turtle wow and it worked fine. Now with the new server comming out today the client is patched to 1.17. Will this not be compatible with wrobot now?
  4. I tried it out today and it doesnt work on endless tbc. They managed to fix it lol. Is there any way at all to work around this?
  5. New endless TBC is comming out in a few weeks, does the bot work there? They have their own client you need to download and play from. Just making sure the bot works with that or if they can detect it
  6. Does the bot work for turtle wow's client? Can I just download it and play or do I need to do anything out of the usual? I read about some people getting banned, is there a way around this? I've never gotten banned on another private server except when getting caught red handed
  7. How do I compile a bunch of grinder profiles like questing profiles have? Like for example most quester profiles have like 1-6 hunt here, then when you reach level 6 for example it moves to the next zone. I wanna do a grinder profile for TBC hunter that grinds 1-60. I can make each individual grinder profile but I gotta change it every 5-6 levels or so. How do I put them all togheter so that when it reaches a certain level it moves on to the next one? I wanna make a profile for free for people to use in TBC as hunter. Thanks!
  8. Hello how do I make it so hunter refill ammo? Does he do it naturally when I run out of bag space and go to town? Im using the AIO fightclass for wotlk and it works great but I tried removing all my arrows before starting my basic hunt script and he didnt refill and buy new arrows and just went out to meele the mobs.
  9. Hello I just bought wrobot and use for TBC and i made a simple profile that just use sinister strike and eviscerate but he does not use any spells, whats the cause of this? Set sinister strike to 45 energy and eviscerate on 3 combo points
  10. Hello, my bot is not drinking water or eating food. After combat if he is too low he just stands there until he regs back up to full health. I checked the settings and told him to select the best avaible. Still does not work. Any advice?
  11. Im having trouble finding the right condition for when im poisoned. Example: Im a paladin in tanaris hunting hyenas but sometimes I pull a scorpion and they always give me slowing poison which removes movement and attack speed. Anyone know which condition is right for poison? There is one called "Influenced" but it lacks options....
  12. How do I post my log?
  13. As the title says my wrobot just shuts down every time i start fishing bot? Playing on warmanes WOTLK server and every time i start fishing bot it casts 2-3 times then exits shut down program. Happen to anyone else? I also cant download and start questing profiles because it wont detect them even though I put it in the correct folder. I tried removing and reinstalling the wrobot but it doesnt help. Any thoughts?
  14. Hello! So like the title says whenever i make a hunter fightclass (simple one for grinding) it stops the autoattack 3 out of 4 fights. He starts by pulling with concussive shot (like ive set) and that will trigger my pet (defensive mode) to charge the mob. Once my pet has aggro my bot is supposed to start auto shooting and he does for like split a second before my hunter stutter steps forward or something and cancels the auto attack animation. Since ive set it to "cast once per combat". I know about the range option and have tried to set to both 35 and 30 but it does the same thing. If i set the cooldown of autoshot (so he can repeat the action in case cancel) he will just spam auto shot which isnt really a good option either. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance
    Hey I have a question... Im trying out the retri pala spec in wotlk and the bot just burns all my mana up in 2-3 mobs and then proceeds to pull and just auto hit untill I die which is usually within 2 mobs. There is no option for seal of wisdom inside this bot and im just curious how people test this and say its viable?? Maybe I need to buy full spirit gear on auction house? Please help. Druid bot works great as always but since the option to drink water (mana) for me is bugged then im not sure if im missing something?
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