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  1. Thank you!
  2. @ Droidz, is there a guide on how to do this? it would be great to set an amount of gold to leave on the bot and sent the rest to a bank alt.
  3. Make sure you have mend pet trained.
  4. I was able to resolve the issue by unchecking vsync.
  5. I was testing this issue on another character on another pc with a different resolution and it works fine. I'm guessing the resolution or something along those lines is the root cause. I just need to figure out what is causing the problem.
  6. I created some new bots and the melee is even having the issue with facing. I did test with CTM and Lue being on, but that didn't resolve the issue.
  7. around 350. I was able to replicate the issue even after getting around 222 ms
  8. I downloaded the latest version of Wrobot and have the global settings back to default and no plugins and the bot still does the same thing. It runs away from the target and acts like its going to shoot, but is unable because it says the target is not in front of me. I'm running the latest version of your vanilla beast mastery fight class. Also no wow addons. Just fyi, it doesn't happen all the time. It only occurs when the bot completes the backtracking.
  9. I believe i figured out the issue. Kronos 3.
  10. I'm running Vanilla Beastmaster - Hunter and the bot completes the backtracking, but doesn't turn around enough to shoot his bow. So i get the error "Target needs to be in front of you". If I slightly turn the bot, he starts to fire shots. I'm running 1.3.0
  11. When the bot is in the water with no mana, it will just sit there and continue to change aspect of the cheetah and aspect of the hawk and never move.
  12. The below link post resolved it.
  13. After renew, it doesn't go back to killing the target.
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