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  1. Hey Ordush! Just got back to doing the hunter :) I havent recived the new update yet. Could you send me it? (ill write in Discord also)
  2. Hellu! Im farming a specific set of mobs that are badly placed from graveyard (making ghost run over the edge), and badly located when you look at the mobs around theese mobs (elites and charging mobs). Have to travel far for Mailbox and Repair/Vendor is at a somewhat bad place running through alot of mobs. I have slow flying so the "Use Flying mount" options makes it easy for dismount and death. Since i dont know how to make the bot fly higher up. Theese problems had made me want to ask for a Profile creator! I need this Profile made very proffesional! Im a Hunter so buying arrows and buying food and water is also something i need. If you are very good at making Profiles please contact me :) And i will make it worth your time!
  3. "You sent an Email to us about going back to the 1.3.0 again..... but the Download link is for 2.0.0. Could you please send out your 1.3.0 version since this FightClass does not work at all (goes into meele, UI dosent show, does not save the settings when setting up your stuff in Wrobot, goes Afk in the middle of the fight etc. etc.) Yeah ive bought it, but like it is now a free BM hunter FightClass is better.... i might be doing something wrong with your Fightclass? But all the other FC's im using is working, so i dont know what it might be" Im a noob.... FAQ clearly states to make a new Wrobot install if it does not work. I did and now everything i loaded and ready :) Sorry Ordush!
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