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Bear T.O.E.

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Everything posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. The fight conditions are pretty self explanatory. Try not think about them to hard. Plus take sometime play with them and try things out and see what happens in game this will help get a better idea of how they work. Plus you have an entire forum to read for suggestions and help and loads of code all over the place that can help you figure out how to make thing go your way. Ask for suggestions or mail other forum users that have more advanced knowledge that you do. Most of the time you will get some really good answers. This is a forum community. We all want to have fun and learn new things. You would be surprised at how much help you can get. When I first started using this bot I was confused like you are. So my adivse read the forum get an Idea of how things work and ask more educated questions and you will get a worm response. But to try and answer your question. Ok what spell are you trying use on Cool Down? and what Spell are you trying to use if said spell is on Cool Down? But to try and break it down for you. When you cast a spell it either places a buff on you, on the Target, or does instant damage causing a buff chance to occur. So in the Fight class condition window you will need to know were the buff happens which is usually in the spell tool tip in game. So say you are casting Howling Blast for a Frost Death Knight. Well when you cast this spell it puts a de-buff on the target. So in the Fight class window you would add the spell Howling Blast to the Spell list. now the spell is in the list High light the spell by clicking it in the list. and to the right of the spell list there is a tall box and at the bottom of the box there is a button called Conditions. Click this button and ascending menu will appear. in this menu you will find an assortment of conditions. These are parameters that the bot will look for while running the rotation and all of these spells will only cast if all parameters are met. So Howling Blast can be used in a few ways. Once do to a Passive Proc outlined in the Spell Book in game, it have a range or 20 yards, and it places a de-buff on the target. So in the conditions list there are Target Distance for the 20 yard range. Rime is a Passive Proc Buff so I would add Buff or Buff cast by me and add Rime to the buff. Or Target Buff and add in Frost Fever to the buff. So that then spell will only try to cast if the target dose not have Frost Fever. Player have the Passive Buff Proc Rime. Or the Target is with in the 20 yard Range. Now I hope this explanation helps you better understand the way the fight class works. If you have anymore question please don't hesitate to ask. But please search the forum first then ask. I will help anytime I can as well. I have not touched on the Spell Settings. But they are some other pretty self explanatory setting that can make a lot of difference when setting up a spell. Just make sure the right spell is highlighted in the spell list before changing these settings.
  2. Add the spell Feign Death to your spell list. make it so you fain death when you would like the bot to do so. Once that work great fro you. Add the spell that resurrects your pet to the spell rotation. Then add the condition Buff Cast By Me to your spell. And add into this buff Feign Death, make sure beneath it says False for this buff to be absent. So that the bot will cast this only if you do not have the buff Feign Death Active
  3. Has anyone figured out how to make a class pool their resources during their rotation? I am trying to figure out how to make a Frost DK Pool up their runes and max out their rune power. Once maxed out Pop all their CD's and then restart the pooling process to maximize DPS out put. Everything I have tried has not even come close and or even worked. I am still learning the basics of C Sharp so Im sure this would be an issue for me when I started this project. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Well what Im trying to ask is how would I tell the bot to not cast any spell till all Runes are off Cool Down, and before this only cast said spell to generate Maximum Rune Power before casting a Major Cool Down, to then begin using or there cool downs to maximize the use of these runes and rune power? If I can get the beginning Code for this I can play with it and make it work for all classes. And we could add it as a condition in the fightclass editor hopefully. Which would be awesome I think.
  4. Ok I have an Idea. Why not have the bot read and work with an addon? This addon is legal in wow and can be edited in the Wow environment. The Addon is called MaxDps. we in game set up the code for our MaxDps rotation. The addon Monitors this and tells us when said spells are usable. And the Bot does the rotation to the code provided in the addon. The bot is the automation and the addon is monitor. And we can share out rotations here like we always do. Do you think this would work well? And who would we go about making it viable? I think we would have to make a plugin for the bot. I need to learn more about programming. But if I have the technical know how I would be doing this myself. Have a look here at the addon. http://maxdps.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4&sid=f8a00afeccaf47f4e6da4e3b0debf884
  5. This will get alot of people banned if not fixed. The bot should act just like everyone else.
  6. when in BG's or In Dungeons or World the bot stops moving to cast when toon is Melee. The Bot should not Stop moving unless the spell is channeled and will not keep channeling if moving, or if the spell isnt castable while moving. the Bot should not stop moving to cast instant spell or moves.
  7. Yes it is. Name the Macro. then add that to your spell list. Then in the conditions list select LUA Code. in the LUA code box select the drop list button on mouse over. Then add the code there. In the box at the top right of the fightclass editor there is an option Is LUA Code make sure this is selected as True. There is another way as well. in the spell list make a spell that says /RunMacroText(MACRO) and then make sure it is Selected LUA Code True.
  8. isnt Hamstring a Target de-buff? if so then you would need to this instead. ( Let us Know if this works out for you. ) So in this code you are telling the bot to look at the Target instead of yourself. Thats why I changed the ( Me ) to ( Target ). wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff(69369) -- Hamstring is slowing effect on the target.
  9. can you post us your fight class code. This could be a number of reasons.
  10. Ae you talking about an 1 button Macro? So you want the bot to spam one button macro that is just one huge long macro? Well is the macro in LUA? And if it is then you would just have to Add a spell to the list. and in the box list next to the Fight class Name and Pet options. Find Not Spell is LUA and make that say True. But Make sure you have the spell you added highlighted in the Spell List. Then in the Box Next to the spell List there a button at the bottom that says Conditions. Click the button. In the list there will be an option that says LUA Code. Select that condition. Now in the box to the right you will see the LUA Condition Added. Mouse over this and click the drop arrow. Then Copy and Paste your code there. Also if this work well for you then post some Damage and DPS numbers. Or if this just generate errors Let us know. Im curious if this is going to work well.
  11. wow ok TY soo much I will be looking into all your suggestion. I think this will help me make a breath spec Profile that will Pool its resources every 2 minutes and then Pop all its CD's in the right order. I'm hoping to make thi so I can get the top Damage I can in dungeons and so that every DK either a lowbie Leveling or a Max level can pull the right dps.
  12. Bear T.O.E.


    Ok thanks man.... Ill look into the plugin.
  13. Try setting all your attacks with the condition Buff Bear Form. So that the bot knows that is needs to be have that buff in order to cast that move. And under Bear Form in your Rotation give Bear Form a C Sharp code snippet to check and see that your not in Bare so cast Bare Form. !wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(5487).objectManager.Me.InCombat This Code will Make You cast Bare Form as Long as you dont have the Buff Bear Form and as Long as you are in Combat. I'm not sure if the Variable that I added objectManager.me.InCombat is a working Variable. Test it and let me know. If doesn't work then just add the condition Me In Combat / True.
  14. well I stopped using LuA and I'm using C Sharp now. But I'm just breaking into it. So basically I have no Idea that I'm doing. So I will be all over this Forum looking for code and asking a lot of questions.
  15. This would also be nice to have so that during the Frost Fight class there is a time that you need to pool your resources like Runes and Rune Power so that you make sure all your rune and you have full rune power in order to maximize the up time of Breath of Sindragoa. So having the ability to tell the bot to make this happen would really work out.
  16. Yeah this would work for all Pet classes. you can also make sure to have your pet Taunt as its first move. Plus it taunt is on Cool Down then fain Death to drop aggro.
  17. Where do I get a list for C Sharp objects that wManager can handle, and a list of objects that wResouces can handle? using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; Using wManager.Wow.????????? using wResources.Wow.??????? using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer;
  18. Look I need to revamp my LUA so I need help guys.
  19. Ok So I tryed to run this Fightclass and this file contains the Errors in return. Since Im uew to righting C Shard I have no Idea of how to fix these Errors. 15 Jun 2017 12H11.log.html
  20. also you guys could clean up the condition list by putting all the Enemy conditions in one called enemy and under that could a drop menu list of all the available conditions once enemy is added as a condition. this would make thing easier for the creation process.
  21. Also sometimes to optimize our rotations and pull the highest DPS we need to White hit for a minute. Or to best describe it we need to Auto attack. Do you think there could be a condition to auto attack and during this auto attack have the ability to look for Procs like for a Death Knight there would be Procs like Rime or Killing Machine that during this auto attack stream a play would have to take advantage of.
  22. Duh...... I was tired when I asked that..... LOL Thanks. :) But do I add in like this??? local spellid=106839 local spellname=GetSpellInfo(spellid) if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(spellname, "target")==1) then local spell, rank, displayName, icon, startTime, endTime, isTradeSkill, castID, nonInterrupt = UnitCastingInfo("target"); local isChanneling=false if (spell==nil) then spell, rank, displayName, icon, startTime, endTime, isTradeSkill, castID, nonInterrupt = UnitCastingInfo("target"); isChanneling=true end
  23. Condition, if Buff active (**********) then Spell (******) No Cast. I think this will help out alot. Let me know what you think?
  24. Ok where would I add this into my LUA Code to make it work?
  25. This is a C# Frost Death Knight Rotation I have put together. I am Wondering if everything Looks right and will work as I am Intending too. Any Help is completely appreciated. This is my First Attempt at C# Coding so I am willing to listen to any and all criticism. Please Show Your Work a well so I can learn as I go. I built this in one day. I'm kinda proud of myself. +Rep to McRo for the Custom Fight Class. I use his a base to start. I have also Attacked the File to this post to try and give you all the help to help me out. I will be Making a Blood and a Unholy Rotation as Well. I am playing all the tank classes. So I will be releasing One for all of them soon-ish. using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 4.5f; } } private bool _isLaunched; private ulong _lastTarget; public void Initialize() // When product started, initialize and launch Fightclass { _isLaunched = true; Logging.Write("Frost DK 7.2.5 Is Running!"); Rotation(); } public void Dispose() // When product stopped { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("Frost DK 7.2.5 Is Not Running!"); } public void ShowConfiguration() // When use click on Fight class settings { // MessageBox.Show("Frost Death Knight No setting for this Fight Class."); } // SPELLS: // Buff: public Spell PillarofFrost = new Spell("Pillar of Frost"); public Spell EmpowerRuneWeapon = new Spell("Empower Rune Weapon"); public Spell HungeringRuneWeapon = new Spell("Hungering Rune Weapon"); public Spell HornofWinter = new Spell("Horn of Winter"); public Spell WraithWalk = new Spell("Wraith Walk"); public Spell Anti-MagicShell = new Spell("Anti-Magic Shell"); public Spell BreathofSindragosa = new Spell("Breath of Sindragosa"); public Spell Obliteration = new Spell("Obliteration"); public Spell IceBoundFortitude = new Spell("Ice Bound Fortitude"); // Racial Buff: public Spell DarkFlight = new Spell("DarkFlight"); public Spell ArcaneTorrent = new Spell("Arcane Torrent") public Spell Berserking = new Spell("Berserking"); public Spell BloodFury = new Spell("Blood Fury"); public Spell EscapeArtist = new Spell("Escape Artist"); public Spell EveryManforHimself = new Spell("Every Man for Himself"); public Spell GiftoftheNaaru = new Spell("Gift of the Naaru"); public Spell Stoneform = new Spell("Stoneform"); public Spell WarStomp = new Spell("War Stomp"); public Spell WilloftheForsaken = new Spell("Will of the Forsaken"); public Spell Shadowmeld = new Spell("Shadowmeld"); // Pull: public Spell DeathGrip = new Spell("Death Grip"); public Spell DarkCommand = new Spell("Dark Command"); // Combat: public Spell RemorselessWinter = new Spell("Remorseless Winter"); public Spell HowlingBlast = new Spell("Howling Blast"); public Spell Obliterate = new Spell("Obliterate"); public Spell FrostStrike = new Spell("Frost Strike"); public Spell Frostscythe = new Spell("Frostscythe"); public Spell BreathofSindragosa = new Spell("Breath of Sindragosa"); public Spell Sindragosa'sFury = new Spell("Sindragosa's Fury"); public Spell GlacialAdvance = new Spell("Glacial Advance"); public Spell DeathStrike = new Spell("DeathStrike"); public Timer BreathofSindragosa = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer PillarofFrost = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer EmpowerRuneWeapon = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Sindragosa'sFury = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer HungeringRuneWeapon = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer HornofWinter = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer WraithWalk = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Anti-MagicShell = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Obliteration = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer RemorselessWinter = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer GlacialAdvance = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer DarkCommand = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer DeathGrip = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Shadowmeld = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer WilloftheForsaken = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer WarStomp = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Stoneform = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer GiftoftheNaaru = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer EveryManforHimself = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer EscapeArtist = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer BloodFury = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer Berserking = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer ArcaneTorrent = new Timer(); // Timer public Timer DarkFlight = new Timer(); // Timer internal void Rotation() { Logging.Write("Frost DK 7.2.5 Rotation Started!"); while (_isLaunched) { try { if (!Products.InPause) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { BuffRotation(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { Pull(); CombatRotation(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Frost DK 7.2.5 Rotation ERROR!!!: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(10); // Pause 10 ms to reduce the CPU usage. } Logging.Write("Frost DK 7.2.5 Rotation Stopped!"); } internal void BuffRotation() { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) return; } internal void Pull() { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget) return; // DarkCommand: if (DarkCommand.KnownSpell && DarkCommand.IsSpellUsable && DarkCommand.IsDistanceGood) { DarkCommand.Launch(); _lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } // DeathGrip: if (DeathGrip.KnownSpell && DeathGrip.IsSpellUsable && DeathGrip.IsDistanceGood) { DeathGrip.Launch(); _lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } } internal void CombatRotation() { // DeathGrip: if (DeathGrip.IsSpellUsable && DeathGrip.IsDistanceGood && DeathGrip.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.IsInGroup && ObjectManager.Target.IsTargetPartyMember && !ObjectManager.TargetsTarget.GroupRole.Tank) { DeathGrip.Launch(); } // DarkCommand: if (DarkCommand.IsSpellUsable && DarkCommand.IsDistanceGood && DarkCommand.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.IsInGroup && ObjectManager.Target.IsTargetPartyMember && !ObjectManager.TargetsTarget.GroupRole.Tank) { DarkCommand.Launch(); return; } // RemorselessWinter: if (RemorselessWinter.IsSpellUsable && RemorselessWinter.IsDistanceGood && RemorselessWinter.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.Runes >= 1) { RemorselessWinter.Launch(); return; } // PillarofFrost: if (PillarofFrost.IsSpellUsable && PillarofFrost.IsDistanceGood && PillarofFrost.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.IsSpellUsable("Breath of Sindragosa") { PillarofFrost.Launch(); return; } // PillarofFrost: if (PillarofFrost.IsSpellUsable && PillarofFrost.IsDistanceGood && PillarofFrost.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.IsSpellUsable("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower == 100 && ObjectManager.Me.Runes == 6) { PillarofFrost.Launch(); return; } // Sindragosa'sFury: if (Sindragosa'sFury.IsSpellUsable && Sindragosa'sFury.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.IsFacing && !PillarofFrost.IsUsable && ObjectManager.Me.Buff("Pillar of Frost") && ObjectManager.Target.IsBoss) { Sindragosa'sFury.Launch(); return; } // BreathofSindragosa: if (BreathofSindragosa.IsSpellUsable && BreathofSindragosa.IsDistanceGood && BreathofSindragosa.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Pillar of Frost") && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower == 100 && ObjectManager.Me.Runes == 6) { BreathofSindragosa.Launch(); return; } // HowlingBlast: if (HowlingBlast.IsSpellUsable && HowlingBlast.IsDistanceGood && HowlingBlast.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Rime") && !Object Manager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon") && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower >= 35) { HowlingBlast.Launch(); return; } // HowlingBlast: if (HowlingBlast.IsSpellUsable && HowlingBlast.IsDistanceGood && HowlingBlast.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuf("Rime") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa")) { HowlingBlast.Launch(); return; } // HowlingBlast: if (HowlingBlast.IsSpellUsable && HowlingBlast.IsDistanceGood && HowlingBlast.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Me.Runes >=1 && !ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Frost Fever")) { HowlingBlast.Launch(); return; } // Obliterate: if (Obliterate.IsSpellUsable && Obliterate.IsDistanceGood && Obliterate.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Killing Machine") && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Pillar of Frost") && !ObjectManager.Me.RunePower == 100 && !ObjectManager.Me.Runes == 6 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa")) { Obliterate.Launch(); return; } // Obliterate: if (Obliterate.IsSpellUsable && Obliterate.IsDistanceGood && Obliterate.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.RunePower == 100 && !ObjectManager.Me.Runes == 6) { Obliterate.Launch(); return; } // HornofWinter: if (HornofWinter.IsSpellUsable && HornofWinter.IsDistanceGood && HornofWinter.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower <= 80 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon") && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.BuffTimeLeft(new List<uint> { Breath of Sindragosa }) >= 10000) { HornofWinter.Launch(); return; } // HornofWinter: if (HornofWinter.IsSpellUsable && HornofWinter.IsDistanceGood && HornofWinter.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower <= 80 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower <=20 && ObjectManager.Me.Runes <= 2) { HornofWinter.Launch(); return; } // HungeringRuneWeapon: if (HungeringRuneWeapon.IsSpellUsable && HungeringRuneWeapon.IsDistanceGood && HungeringRuneWeapon.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower <= 35 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Hungering Rune Weapon")) { HungeringRuneWeapon.Launch(); return; } // EmpoweringRuneWeapon: if (EmpoweringRuneWeapon.IsSpellUsable && EmpoweringRuneWeapon.IsDistanceGood && EmpoweringRuneWeapon.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower <= 35 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Empowering Rune Weapon")) { EmpoweringRuneWeapon.Launch(); return; } // FrostStrike: if (FrostStrike.IsSpellUsable && FrostStrike.IsDistanceGood && FrostStrike.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Me.SpellTimeLeft(new List<uint> { Breath of Sindragosa }) >= 15000 && !ObjectManager.Me.RunePower >= 75) { FrostStrike.Launch(); return; } // FrostStrike: if (FrostStrike.IsSpellUsable && FrostStrike.IsDistanceGood && FrostStrike.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Breath of Sindragosa") && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Olbiteration") && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower >= 45) { FrostStrike.Launch(); return; } // IceBoundFortitude: if (IceBoundFortitude.IsSpellUsable && IceBoundFortitude.IsDistanceGood && IceBoundFortitude.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 20%) { IceBoundFortitude.Launch(); return; } // DeathStrike: if (DeathStrike.IsSpellUsable && DeathStrike.IsDistanceGood && DeathStrike.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower >= 45 && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 50%) { DeathStrike.Launch(); return; } // DeathStrike: if (DeathStrike.IsSpellUsable && DeathStrike.IsDistanceGood && DeathStrike.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.RunePower >= 45 && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 20% && IceBoundFortitude.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Ice bound Fortitude")) { DeathStrike.Launch(); return; } // Anti-MagicShell: if (Anti-MagicShell.IsSpellUsable && Anti-MagicShell.IsDistanceGood && Anti-MagicShell.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 60 && ObjectManager.Target.IsCast) { Anti-MagicShell.Launch(); return; } // WrathWalking: if (WrathWalking.IsSpellUsable && WrathWalking.IsDistanceGood && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && Object Manager.Me.InMove) { WrathWalking.Launch(); return; } // Obliteration: if (Obliteration.IsSpellUsable && Obliteration.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Pillar of Frost")) { Obliteration.Launch(); return; } // Frostscythe: if (Frostscythe.IsSpellUsable && Frostscythe.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.Rune >= 1 && ObjectManager.TargetNear >= 1 && ObjectManager.Me.Buff("Killing Machine")) { Frostscythe.Launch(); return; } // GlacialAdvance: if (GlacialAdvance.IsSpellUsable && GlacialAdvance.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.IsFaccing && ObjectManager.Me.Runes >= 1) { GlacialAdvance.Launch(); return; } // DarkFlight: if (DarkFlight.IsSpellUsable && DarkFlight.IsDistanceGood && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && ObjectManager.Me.InMove && !WrathWalking.IsSpellUsable) { DarkFlight.Launch(); return; } // ArcaneTorrent: if (ArcaneTorrent.IsSpellUsable && ArcaneTorrent.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Target.InCast && ObjectManager.Me.Mana <= 100%) { ArcaneTorrent.Launch(); return; } // Berserking: if (Berserking.IsSpellUsable && Berserking.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { Berserking.Launch(); return; } // BloodFury: if (BloodFury.IsSpellUsable && BloodFury.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { BloodFury.Launch(); return; } // EscapeArtist: if (EscapeArtist.IsSpellUsable && EscapeArtist.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && ObjectManager.Me.IsStun) { EscapeArtist.Launch(); return; } // EveryManforHimself: if (EveryManforHimself.IsSpellUsable && EveryManforHimself.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.IsStun && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { EveryManforHimself.Launch(); return; } // GiftoftheNaaru: if (GiftoftheNaaru.IsSpellUsable && GiftoftheNaaru.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 75%) { GiftoftheNaaru.Launch(); return; } // Stoneform: if (Stoneform.IsSpellUsable && Stoneform.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 75%) { Stoneform.Launch(); return; } // WarStomp: if (WarStomp.IsSpellUsable && WarStomp.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Target.InCast && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { HeroicStrike.Launch(); return; } // WilloftheForsaken: if (WilloftheForsaken.IsSpellUsable && WilloftheForsaken.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 100% && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && ObjectManager.Target.Health == 0) { WilloftheForsaken.Launch(); return; } // Shadowmeld: if (Shadowmeld.IsSpellUsable && Shadowmeld.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.Health <= 20% && !objectManager.Me.InMove && ObjectManager.Me.InCombet) { Shadowmeld.Launch(); return; } } } Legion Frost Death Knight 7.2.5 V.101.cs
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