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Bear T.O.E.

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About Bear T.O.E.

  • Birthday 09/19/1980

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    Hellz Yeah!!!!

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  1. It will be eventually. If blizzard hopes on this trend and removes DX9 support then right now as things are WR will have to be updated to support DX11.
  2. Nah I started play my WoW trial I had attached to my main account and I have all my mounts and all my gear appearances and heirlooms. So yeah I'm going to play with this till August lol. I mainly play Alliance so I'm lvling Horde on this account lol.
  3. So after about 20 hours of reading blizzard forums and Direct X discussion sites for AMD and Nvidia graphics cards. Blizzard is being forced to Drop Direct X 9.0 for use as an API interface. Apparently all the video cards that support DX9 will be to slow to handle the New Expansion BFA. With the newer cards that do support DX11 and DX12 being still able to play WoW just fine. I just wanted address this on the forums here and see what everyone else thinks about this new development.
  4. I got Banned till August 19th 2018. Just to let you know. I think I got banned from the OS or Windows sending info to Blizzard. I only run the Rotation Bot, that why I think it was Windows.
  5. Version 11.45


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Protection Warrior. I based my Warrior Build on Maximum Absord, Parry, Blocks and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  6. Version 6.88


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Protection Paladin. I based my Paladin Build on Maximum Absord, Parry, Blocks and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  7. Version 1.0


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Brewmaster Monk. I based my Brewmaster Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  8. Version 12.34


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Guardian Druid. I based my Guardian Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  9. Version 1.0


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Vengeance Demon Hunter. I based my Demon Hunter Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  10. Version 22.50


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Frost Death Knight. I based my Death Knight Build on Maximum Damage Done. I am using the Breath of Sindragosa Talent. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tested before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  11. Version 12.61


    I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Blood Death Knight. I based my Death Knight Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class. I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it. Thanks and Have Fun. :)
  12. I wrote stuff here but I have removed what I wrote.
  13. I cannot find a Pandaren Starter Quest Line Profile any where on the Forums. I would build this Profile myself but I have a few other Projects going and I work like all the time. So if someone could be so kind to make one a post it I would be very appreciative.
  14. Um is this file still up. when I download it says its a JPEG file.
  15. iMod Thank You!!! If I knew it was that easy then I wouldn't feel so incompetent right now..... lol Thanks again!!!. Ok so when I use this I would have to put this CSharp code in each Move? or can I put all my moves in this and the that would make the bot only do the rotation is this is set with No Runes on Cool Down and Full Runic Power. then it will do the rotation I have set in the ( Do Your stuff ) area right? So yeah I will need to put only the moves in the rotation that need the Setting for the rotation and then the moves that I need to do only to get full runic power as a second set of CSharp rotation moves. So all total I will need to build 3 CSharp rotations. One to build Runic power. One to stop the bot and make it White Hit till all Runes are off cool down. And then one to execute the Top DPS rotation once all the Vars are met?
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