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Posts posted by Bambo

  1. 2 minutes ago, MausFarm said:

    Previously, this was not. bans were only on reports. Some received mass bans only if they did not use a proxy or VPN. What is happening now on Northdale is very similar to what was on the official servers. However, I do not think that this is an equipment identifier because there were others on these machines and they are now and everything is fine with them. More similar to the fact that the lighthope team got their hands on tools for analyzing the behavior of the characters on the server side. I heard that lightshoop developers are actively involved in the development of the official classic server and I think that this is somehow connected

    lol. where did you hear that from? xD

  2. At this point in time it is pretty obvious (though not confirmed) that Northdale Staff is able to get either your hardware id or your mac adress to track down all bots running on the same machine. Some people report that using VMs helps to hide the other bots, so you only loose all accounts inside the VM.

    They also seem to log these datas and then can return to them at a later date to mass bann all accounts that have been logged in from a certain pc. 

    Btw i think what they are doing is highly illegal and hurts a few data privacy laws. I am no lawyer though. Could be wrong.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    If you profile is in:


    you need to use:

    <QuestsSorted Action="LoadProfile" NameClass="Subdirectory\Profile.xml" />

    (path based from WRobot\Profiles\Quester\)

    If we load profiles that way, will it work with normal auto update code?

    I put auto update in all profiles, when i load profile ABC from launcher, will auto update code realize that now the actually loaded profile is profile ABC and not what has been started initialy (launcher)?

  4. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:


    You use correct fightclass? You have try to contact bambo he know problably why can cause this problem

    Thats a wrobot and not a profile issue. I do not see why my profile would be responsible for this. He is talking about mass pulling mobs. There even is a built in wrobot value that checks for how many mobs can be around before a pull is skipped. 

    If it is my profile that has a hotspot set directly in a big group, then i can remove that hotspot. But it really sounds like he is unhappy with the behavior of wrobot pulling in general. And that has nothing to do with my Profile.

    For example the repeated dying to crocodiles and ressurecting right next to them ending in a loop is absolutely not my responsibility. 

  5. 1 minute ago, 79135 said:

    Still some question. how to force bot to use mount with name from my settings?

    Do you mean to force to mount up or to change the wrobot setting to a specific mount name?

    2 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    Because all conditions are combined (if you look at Spell Conditions and the way he entered them) through AND operators.
    You can only use OR operators, if you create your very own condition from scratch. But the way the fightclass editor adds up conditions that are set separately is through AND.

    You can do it in the form you wanted before (if you set brackets the way Droidz/Bambo explained), but it's really, really slow and inefficient.

    I understand now. It is a fightclass editor thing that just chains all different conditions one after another and combines with &&. I misunderstood you.

  6. 1 minute ago, 79135 said:

    oh, I wanted to do everything in a simple way, but I have to do everything conditions in the C Shape form..

    do what schaka said and learn c sharp, the forum can help

    the editor for fightclass and quest is ineffective in many cases

  7. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-operators

    Check "Logical Operators". If I understand correctly you want to use a logical OR but in same condition another OR / AND but your problem is that the bot is not looking for those conditions but instead just checks the first OR?

    If I understand that correctly you might wanna use something like this

    (Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Kalimdor || Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Azeroth) && ObjectManager.Me.Level = 10

  8. 3 hours ago, Macro said:

    What about a feature / plugin that sets an alarm if the bot is stuck accepting/ completing quests, stuck on terrain, gets teleported, gets a group invite etc etc. I like alarms to notify me rather than the game closing.


    I think it would be really cool as well to develop a feature/plugin that puts variation in to the path the bot takes to the target so that its not always just a 100% straight line. Maybe sway the character or have a calculation that allows you to strafe slightly before going directly toward your target (at random)... but maybe that can only be done inside of the fight class.

    1. wDiscord

    2. MovementRandomizer + SmoothMove

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