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Everything posted by mpzor

  1. What Bambo just said, it changed the way I bot a 100% not only does it auto equip items, it will help you avoid dying due to drowning, helps you avoid bigger packs of mobs, runs away, it also buys food and keeps it up to date so you dont have to change the name yourself, and MUCH more! tons of settings to tweak for your own liking!
  2. doesnt work!
  3. @Matenia Hi, your plugin just went from wetlands into arathi to buy food for a lvl 25 toon causing it to die over and over due to the difference in levels. I can send you the entire log if you PM me your discord. If its needed that is. Cheers
  4. Keeps interrupting its own health funnel to shoot with the wand. Never seen it use sacrifice. often wont use drain life even though ive seen it use it at the same hp/mana at a different time. most of the time it wont use a lesser health stone, but it will some times. Its the best FC out there for locks atm (that ive tried atleast), but its probably the reason why ive been banned on a few accounts. It just looks bottish as hell when it does that "HF, nah lets shoot with the wand, nah lets HF, NAH SHOOT, etc" keeps interrupting itself.
  5. Thank you for the tip, but ive already tried that. Even though this is the first time ive botted using this bot, im quite experienced with botting so ive done that before with other bots to iron out kinks. @Matenia I also read that you two are talking now to make your shit work better together and it got me thinking. Now, I havent played a hunter using this plugin or your fc so I dont know if its already implemented in either of your profiles, using FD with the running from combat option so that it uses FD once it has gotten away. Edit: answer while already replying. Already tried that as ive deleted the entire wow folder. But its not that big of a deal as im now only using it for bots on a VM either way so its not really something I pay attention to anymore now that I have my main chars at 60.
  6. No addons at all when botting so I dont know what might be the problem then.
  7. Keeps trying to equip items I cant even use as a cloth user. Annoying to say the least, and tbh, I expected more when paying 15euro for it. Other than that I havent seen anything weird, the buying of food/water works so far and even though the running away is rather poor when having a pet that takes aggro, it would work better for a different class.
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