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  1. How much? I have a lv 60 mage t2 geared with all pvp trinkets/ epic mount rank 10 pvp gear etc Edit: Nvm mage is human not gnome
    Amazing that you would offer this massive collection for FREE. Thanks so much Bambo!
  2. Probably a grinding profile that avoids humanoids and utilizes as many grinding quests as possible (kill x amount of y, or collect x amount off z).
  3. Seems to be a problem with the hotkeys for spells/attacks
  4. 24 Sep 2018 03H25.log.html
  5. Yes, my bot refuses to attack anything at the moment. Just blacklists every target because "it cant reach it".
  6. Also having pathing issues atm
  7. Actually its all good now man, was a very specific issue with a profile i was using.
  8. Hi Matenia, Is it possible to add an option turn off the use of travel form? The problem is if the bot is running in a grinding loop, it will oom itself constantly switching between cat and travel form, and forces it to drink, when just remaining in cat form the entire time (only 10% slower) is much faster and more efficient.
  9. Are you sure they arent bluffing? And if they have a way to detect you.. surely its automated... so luck shouldnt have anything to do with it ^^
  10. Why of course? How can they possibly see your IP if a) you create the accounts through a VPN and b) you bot each account through an individual proxy?
  11. I wish I understood just 10% your acronyms ? Thanks for the info though man, most likely very helpful.
  12. Yes all accounts are being created through a VPN with a different IP per account. I am not familiar with puTTy, is it necessary to use along with proxycap?
  13. That would be perfect man. Thank you
  14. Hey Matenia, is it possible to have Shadow word pain used before level 20? Is it one of the best dots in the game, and very mana efficient; no real reason not to use it before mind flay.
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