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  1. Also discussed here (maybe it helps):
  2. Dont use global variables in LUA. Put a "local" in front of every new Variable ! Example:
  3. That a bug in your fightclass.
  4. In my profile I don't check "hostily", I check if "not friendly" thats a different. And npc's wouldn't attack if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") then ... end Its LUA, but I think, there is an option in C# also
  5. No, I've tested it and play it in wrotation at the moment and it works fine. the only things that I enabled are the options --startattack --breack Stealth --range fight. Did you play on an official Server ? Did this happend on free area or in a special situation ? In Groups (mainly Raids) It wasn't a good idea to start the fight bevor the tank pulled. so I prevent this by checking if you are in a group and if so, the attacking start after the tank started. I've you are outside a dungeon/raid and in a group without akting as a group you can get a problem, if the mobs dont attack you first. If you be attacked, the rotation starts. There is no reason why only kick and a few spells will work. btw. be sure that you are near enough.
  6. [FightClass] Launch LUA script: --startattack [Spell] Cast Durchstoßen (Run Through) [FightClass] Launch LUA script: --Marked for Death [Spell] Cast Pistolenschuss (Pistol Shot) [Spell] Cast (onself) Blutrote Phiole (Crimson Vial) [Spell] Cast Säbelhieb (Saber Slash) --Break Stealth: True --range fight: true --startattack: true (default) Worked for me fine.
  7. Ahh, other possibility: You are sure, your rogue where outlaw while you tested the profile in wrotation ?
  8. It's works conserative. If you are in group it attacks only, if you are being attacked or the Mob has not full health (someone attacked first). You can prevent this, if you enable stealth and Break Stealth. In this case it will attack in steals and start the normal rotation. Maybe there was also a change in 7.1 . I will have a look on this.
  9. Hey @MrBottie, whats about your ultimate outlaw rogue profile ? I want to see/test it. It's 3 weeks ago !
  10. Yes. the Mutilate range will not be correct returned. download 1.2. I've fixed it.
  11. The only way I found is to count it via event...but there is no real event handling in wrobot. http://eu.battle.net/forums/de/wow/topic/7391150363#post-4
  12. Ice Block has a Bug. Remove the lua condition in the fightclass and it works well. Rune, combustion, Rune should work. I will have a look on this. I use the recommendations of icy veins and it has worked Well. Maybe a condition wasnt given.
  13. hmm, maybe the Player was pvp flaged. take a look in the logfile. There you can see how long the bot tried the attack. Maybe he tries not attack the player but the pet.. As I remember, there was a Bug in a early version of wrobot, that it tries to attack the pets of players. Did you play on a private server ?
  14. pvp-server ?
  15. Hi, in LUA its sadly not possible to change the settings of wrobot. So I need a C# routine that heallist="113509,80610,80618,65499,43523,43518,34062,22019,65517,22895,65516,8076,65515,8075,65500,1487,1114,1113,5349" - search the Item numbers in heallist in the bags and give me the highest found. - translate the number to the localist name (english, german, french, ...) - and last but no least set the wrobot settings wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodPercent = 60 and wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName = <translated food> (not sure if i get the right setting names) Sense of this: To start the regeneration via fightclass with a self casted food (Mage)
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