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File Comments posted by Bugreporter

    Mage - Fire 1.1 [BR]

       640    9

    Ice Block has a Bug. Remove the lua condition in the fightclass and it works well.

    Rune, combustion, Rune should work. I will have a look on this. I use the recommendations of icy veins and it has worked Well. Maybe a condition wasnt given.

    Mage - Fire 1.1 [BR]

       640    9

    Hmm , thats strange,,,flamestrike works here. Maybe a range or path problem. Because I have no time to check this this weekend, please try this:

    Open the file in the fightclass editor.
    Scroll down to Flamestrike
    select Lua Script


    local PyroBlast=GetSpellInfo(11366)
    if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(PyroBlast,"target")==1)  then


    local Flamestrike=GetSpellInfo(2120)
    if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(Flamestrike,"target")==1)  then

    (3 changes: 2x PyroBlast to Flamestrike, 1x  11366 to 2120)

    This will change the rangecheck. In the theory Flamestrike and Pyroblast should have the same range, but maybe there is a little difference.

  1. Ah, maybe I see your vanish problem. In the other fightclasses the only permission for vanish is:

    Me in Group= true. Simple, but work in the most cases. except free PvP.

    In Assa I add a 2. and 3. permission. CP=5 and in Rupture range. (a recommendation of Icy Veins to apply a rupture in stealth). Remove the both options and it should run maybe as you want. I think I will remove it to or make a second Vanish for PvP. 

  2. Vanish usage is difficult:

    1. PvP = no problem

    2. PvE =
    2.1 Only you and the target. Not usable, Fight will be resettet
    2.2 you fight against a target, but another one has the Aggro. No Problem
    2.3 same scenario, but other enemys fighting against you. Aggro get lost.
    2.4 in Group (no dungeon): Possible, but only if another group-member is near enough to get the aggro.
    2.5 in Group (dungeon): no problem in the most cases,except you want help an attacked healer

    point 2.2 - 2-5 is not really solveable/detectable via lua.


    Exsanguinate: I will have a look at this.

  3. In the next few days i dont have access to my wow-account, to check it

    So: did you start in stealth?

    - If so, is "Break Stealth" active ?
    - if not, did the bot start after you start the first attack ?

    The hole script works conserative. It doesn't start an attack before you are in combat/being attacked. The reason is pick pocketing. The only attack that starts out of combat is "Break Stealth". This works god for the most usages, except Test Dummy

    If nothing helps, test it with elite mobs. They live long enough to get an good overview ;-)

    Mage - Frost 1.1 [BR]

       1582    3

    Open the talent window:

    First line (level 15) : first field (alternativ second)

    Second line (level 30) : second field

    Third line (level 45): second field (alternative first one)

    ...and so on. Thats was the numbers (1[2], 2, 2[1], 2, 1, 2[1], 2) mean.

    Disc Priest

       299    4



    - Works only with an english client.

    - There are debug-messages like:

    Power Word: Shield on tank System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
       bei Main.DiscPriest.castPwsTank()

    There is sometimes a screen-message if a enemy is in Target: "You are to far a way"

    And last but not least a sample sreenshoot of your settings would be nice.

  4. Sorry, at the moment i can't fix it, because I didn't play. And because I didn't play, I cant start wrobot and without that I cant start the quest-editor....aaargl..... DROIDZ !!!!

    anyway...start the bot, and while you are in Stratholm, go to dev-tools and execute this lua-script

    local stageName, stageDescription, numCriteria = C_Scenario.GetStepInfo();  
    local idObj = 1;
    for idObj = 1, numCriteria do
     local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, totalQuantity, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, duration, elapsed = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(idObj);
     if (completed) then
        print(idObj .. ' ' .. criteriaString .. ':' .. criteriaID .. ': Completed' );
        print(idObj .. ' ' .. criteriaString .. ':' .. criteriaID .. ': In Progress'+ );

    You see the output in game with the right criteria ID and strings. I need this output. Maybe I can change the file with a simple editor (I can't test)

  5. Metamorphose as setting (and false) . Because it didn't work as default.

    Life Tap : Bad Bug !! (if Mana > 75000). With lower then lvl 100 it will kill you. Life Tap, Life Tap, Life Tap ... dead. Better is to change this to >30% and health >50%

    Fel Flame: doesn't exist anymore in WoD

  6. I cant count, because I dont want use global variables (detectable), but I have changed "-- Kick Spell" to "If spell is not kickable, and feint is not on then start feint".  A spam of feint are only the third or forth best idea... you loss 20 energie every 5-7 sek....


    Hmmm, maybe i could span, if the health go less then 45%. If health less then 50%, then evasion starts. if I get damage after this, the damage came from behind or AOE or magic. This is late but not to late...(i hope)


    ...I have to think....

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