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Everything posted by xboxfreak691

  1. Hello, I play on the server Masterwow. 3.3.5a Wolk server. I am vip and can use .gm commands. Im trying to set up the bot to run vip dungeon, teleport out, reset, and complete again. I can do this dungeon in under 2 minutes but im not sure how to do it. Can anybody assist me? I will pay.
  2. I cannot seem to get wrobot to work on panda wow.. anybody else having trouble?!
  3. Ugh i tried this entire time... im honestly lost ? just tried editing yours to solo... dont think its possible
  4. okay let me know when you have some time.. in your profile it wants to use vendors, hearthstones,repairs.. i dont need any of that.. i just need it to go in.. kill.. loot. reset haha. i need to make it for only 2 dungeons.
  5. is there a way you can help me with my current profile? i just bought yours.. and all i have to do is solo.... or should i just refund it because it cant solo?
  6. Im using a questing profile and edited it to farm gruuls.. my only issue is that i can not figure out how to complete the quest objective.. it stops because there is no quest/item/npc.. anything for the dungeon.. so i dont know how to make him complete the objective to run out of the dungeon to reset. Gruuls_Lair_v2.0.xml
  7. yes, but in 3.3.5a there are no quest objectives in dungeons. so i dont know how to complete the obj in the code.
  8. I currently play on a 255 unlimited Private server and its 3.3.5a. Im trying to use the bot to grind dungeons that are soloable and reset/repeat. I have no idea how to configure the bot to do this and im about 10 hours in trying to configure it. Can someone please help me?
  9. So i play on unlimited wow private server. its 255 fun realm that can mostly solo every dungeon... but i have no idea how to script the quester bot to do the dungeon, go out, reset and repeat... its jsut to farm mats... if anybody can help me.. ill pay
  10. is this possible in 3.3.5 without the quest bosses? im just trying to run gruuls and magisters terrece.. and cannot figure it out
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