I am trying to build my Quester bot for the first few levels to train spells as the character levels. To help me get started I'm trying to take this snippet: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2681-snippets-codes-for-quest-profiles/?do=findComment&comment=13536
As I'm pretty new, I'm Using the Easy Quests Editor. In this case, I'm trying to get a Level 3 Warrior to train Battle Shout.
In the image "Battle-Shout-2-twinstar" you can see how I'm researching the spellID. (In the image "Battle-shout-1" you can see that I got a long list of ID's from the Helper Tools and decided I needed to make sure I had the right rank.)
Next, In my Quest editor I'm setting the "Is complete condition" value. I'm using the snippet I got from the XML file in the forum post "Snippets codes for quest profiles", and replacing "local id = 2018" with "local id = 6673". So the value of my Is complete condition is "return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local id = 6673; local skillType, spellId = GetSpellBookItemInfo(GetSpellInfo(id)); return id == spellId");" as you can see in the image "Battle-Shout-3-complete-condition."
My primary concern is that when the Quester bot is running then once this step is reached in the Quests order this error message is spammed on the screen: "attempt to call global 'GetSpellBookItemInfo' (a nil value)". See Battle-Shout-4-ingame-error.
Thanks so much for your help!