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Everything posted by Nax

  1. i found this, Might help. use google next time. https://github.com/Talamin/Wholesome-Dungeon-Crawler/blob/master/States/AvoidAOE.cs, also i do not know if wrobot ObjectManager has this type of info but Aoe ability's and ground effect can be found as Dynamic Game Objects. Here is the code for creating your own function using wrobot Descriptors, https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/300463-wow-3-3-5-12340-info-dump-thread.html
  2. to really help, We'd need logs > crash report info. a crash could be so many things from wrobot to a bad part of your harddrive to magic in neverland.
  3. @Pudgeto be honest, that code might not work with patch 7.3.5, the code above is for wotlk. May need to use Ida and see what GetText asm is as they might of changed it.
  4. So LuaDoString is FrameScriptExecute, and it casts the results of your code to a variable, then GetLocalizedText reads that veriable (@druids) just has LuaDoString return info. instead of two functions, he combinded both together. you need to write the asm for GetText Offset = 0x0819d40, Sample Asm code : https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/407197-getlocalizedtext-problem.html not gonna lie, its kinda funny that GetLocalizedText uses GetText,
  5. You need to use GetText to read if you are not ingame. here is the c++ code : note GetLocalizedText uses active client player object, but GetText doesnt.
  6. Connection error: key expired [E] 17:26:15 - Connection error, close bot, you have probably launched too many sessions at the same time with the same license key, please contact bot team if it is not the case.
  7. Nax


    just replace Resurrect state with your state.
  8. I mean standing in one place doing dps to a single mob is kinda bottish, + you're rotation would always be the same to the pattern would be the same.
  9. would help if we know what conditions you are using.
  10. you have to add a run C# code for this to work.
  11. Nax


    Hello, @droidz. if you can hook on to 0x0081AC90 then edit the list before it gets sent back the server, you can edit the reason why ClearTarget its bugged. this is the code they are blocking it with. rqQrlXRwJExif(EtuqVyQJENaavmlAb==nil)then EtuqVyQJENaavmlAb=ClearTarget ClearTarget=function() if(issecure())then EtuqVyQJENaavmlAb() else eTGebH={GetFramesRegisteredForEvent("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN")} MmqNBNB=getn(eTGebH) for mEkEL=1,MmqNBNB do eTGebH[mEkEL]:GetScript("OnEvent")(eTGebH[mEkEL],"MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN","ClearTarget()") end end end endWHISPERCHAT_MSG_ADDON
  12. Is it possible? Yes but you’ll need to know a little about lua to be able to do it.
  13. Wrobot pulse method for readingobjects public static void Pulse() { try { if (Pulsator.\u0002 == null) { if (3 != 0) { ObjectManager.\u0002(); } } else { for (;;) { if (Memory.WowMemory.ThreadHooked && Memory.WowMemory.Memory.IsValidAndOpenProcess() && Usefuls.InGame) { if (4 != 0) { ObjectManager.\u0002(); } } else { Dictionary<ulong, WoWObject> objectDictionary = new Dictionary<ulong, WoWObject>(); if (!false) { ObjectManager.ObjectDictionary = objectDictionary; } } if (wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ReadObjectManagerFTS <= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000 / wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ReadObjectManagerFTS); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string str = \u0006\u2003\u2000.\u0002(-1731816084); Exception ex2 = ex; Logging.WriteError(str + ((ex2 != null) ? ex2.ToString() : null), true); Pulsator.\u0002 = null; } }
  14. run this as a int var wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ReadObjectManagerFTS
  15. it updates on a ms of 150 miliseconds
  16. Nax

    Bag.GetBagItem() | InBag

    My Code nternal static void SearchForBags() { BagIndex.Clear(); foreach (var item in Bag.GetBagItem()) { if(item.Type == WoWObjectType.Container) { if(item.InBag) { Int32[] s = Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot(item.Entry).ToArray(); if (s != null && !BagIndex.Exists(x => x.Name == item.Name)) { var Name = item.Name; var Slots = BagSlotReader(s[0], s[1]); var entry = item.Entry; BagIndex.Add(new BagClass(Name, Slots, entry, s)); } } } } }
  17. Hey for some reason the boolean InBag is returning false if its in bag. (Not equipped.) Bug ?
  18. I’d suggest inputting your own state to over rude default states.
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