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  1. Solved: Found 32 bit client and this fixed my issue I see many posts about WRobot not supporting X64 WoW executables, but I also see that WoD was that last version supporting 32 bit Wow executables. Can I use WRobot with Legion private server? Using the Trial since my keys have expired. I've tried about 5 of the most popular ones (only X64 EXEs) with the matching WRobot version and haven't figured it out. I want to renew, but tired of playing Wrath. Log files only show: [D] 14:05:23 - [Info] Log file created: 13 Mar 2025 14H05 - YnUyqyr.log.html [D] 14:05:23 - [Info] WRobot Version: 2.0.1 (20338) for wow: 7.3.5_26365 [D] 14:05:23 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/ [D] 14:05:23 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 [D] 14:05:23 - [Info] Lang: English (United States)
  2. Not an answer, but wRotation work for me on Tauri Edit - a couple hours after posting this, logging back into Tauri and see there is ban. wRotation only, no hooks. Got to level over level 40
  3. Not sure if it is the fight class or product settings. I did check "Ignore fight with Players" but I still see that the other faction in a group will be targeted (and I have to manually switch back to mob). Might be them targeting me to heal. Is there another setting in the product? I don't see anything about targeting in the fight class.
  4. This is old, but..... Just received ban from Mistblade... using wRotation only.
  5. I have been enjoying WRobot for 3 years now, mainly WOTLK server(s). Started playing some MOP and now looking at Legion and remembering the fun. However, I am unable to find populated English servers that don't ban or use a custom client and "can't connect to game" I only use Rotation and my own fight classes. Is it possible to have a 'less detected' and more flexible option if it was only Rotation? Probably crazy talk, but figured I would ask.
  6. Hi there - Just in general, looking to understand the processing order for plugins. For example I have one that manages equipment and one the disenchants "on loot". It seems that the inventory manager is not evaluating the new equipment before the profession helper disenchants it. I guess this is irrelevant at higher levels, but would be an nice option for leveling an enchanter skills while the toon is leveling.
  7. Hi and thanks for this fight class. I am altaholic so its good to have something work across the board. Disregard - Logged in to get logs and it is back pedaling backwards as expected. //One thing that I am having an issue with. With my Mage, the Back Pedal goes forward into mobs. Not sure if I have a setting wrong, I only saw the on/off toggle and distance settings, nothing about direction. Again, thanks. Let me know if logs are helpful
  8. Old comment, but.... Put it in the Grinder folder and launch Grinder with this file selected. Will move to the area and wander around killing wolves.
  9. AOI fight class Gatherer product No Addons I will test some manual play, but just new this morning my Wow (3.3.5a) client has shut down 4 times after a few minutes play. I am just using Gatherer with profiles used before. Zero issue last few months on same machine, same WoW client, same pserver. I appeared to be the only one in the area at the time. [N] 08:36:14.529 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -10470.65 ; -79.44794 ; 45.56198 ; "None" to -10478.48 ; -68.7114 ; 46.25287 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 08:36:14.863 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (13.30642y, 334ms) [N] 08:36:29.303 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out [E] 08:36:29.385 - GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate.GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction) [D] 08:36:29.387 - [] Iteration took 575 ms [Wholesome Inventory Manager]: Disposed Added full log from next crash. 5 Jun 2021 09H05.log.html
    Very nice. Mounts between spots and a great path.
  10. Thanks for this profile. It is very efficient and in a great spot for high density of mob. Inventory management plugin to sell or delete is required here since these mobs loot a ton of non-stackable items.
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