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Everything posted by SKiLLsSoLoN

  1. Well the Priest Pocket Healer was made for just 2 people. It was to be a follower only type of FightClass. I can help you some, I made one that worked in both party and raid but i'm not willing to share it all. I used LUA. Here is a simple: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassName>Chainhealer</FightClassName> <Range>30</Range> <FramePerSecond>90</FramePerSecond> </FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassSpells> <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions /> <SpellName> PQR_CustomTarget = "player" PQR_CustomTargetHP = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") local group = "party" local members = GetNumPartyMembers() lowhpmembers = 0 if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 then group = "raid" members = GetNumRaidMembers() end for i = 1, members, 1 do local member = group..tostring(i) local memberhp = 100 * UnitHealth(member) / UnitHealthMax(member) if UnitInRange(member) and UnitIsFriend("player", member) and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(member) == nil then if UnitGroupRolesAssigned(member) == "TANK" then memberhp = memberhp - 1 end if UnitThreatSituation(member) == 3 then memberhp = memberhp - 3 end if memberhp < 85 then lowhpmembers = lowhpmembers +1 end if memberhp < PQR_CustomTargetHP then PQR_CustomTarget = member PQR_CustomTargetHP = memberhp end end end if PQR_CustomTargetHP < 80 then CastSpellByName("Geringe Welle der Heilung",PQR_CustomTarget) end </SpellName> <Priority>7</Priority> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <Timer>2500</Timer> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> <CanMoveDuringCast>No</CanMoveDuringCast> </FightClassSpell> </FightClassSpells> </FightClass> I created it using PQR. So it has some PQR related stuff in it ^_^ I have my client in German (Best language imo). This is about all the help i'm giving. This is a lot because it will look at the lowest HP target which is named PQR_CustomTarget and if they are below 80% it will cast Geringe Welle der Heilung (Lesser Healing Wave). Also the lowhpmembers count is made for AoE healing like Chain Heal. I hope this helps. LUA healing is the best imo. But I never got into the C# code of this program, so I could be wrong.
  2. Need to add the options to change the voice, mine is saying German in an English voice X(
  3. Interesting, can this work for another language, like German??
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Someone made one for stockades and I learned from it and decided to make a rush profile. Not sure if this will work if you don't have the plugin I made for the other toon to go in and out of the instance. Might have bugs, like I said first time I ever done this.
  5. Looks like you have it to pick up this quest two times: <int>6541</int>
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Converted from Honorbuddy.. Have yet to test it but was looking for something like this.
  7. Does this work for Alliance?? Edit: Can be if you remove " Toxic Tolerance" quest.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hello everyone, i always prefer using "zygors talent advisor" which can autoplace the talent points while botting. The Zygor Guide offers a wealth of options that allow you to configure the guide to your liking. The following is a complete overview of all the different settings and a in depth explanation on each one.
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