Fight Classes - Cata
17 files
feral pvp Feral Druid PVP with Bear form health recovery
Have you seen some of those bad ass feral druids? Yes the ones that never dies or are so hard to kill. This fight class is that one. This fight class will be in feral cat for major damage and when you fall below a certain health it will automatically change to bear form and regenerate your health. Give it a test guys! It's not perfect but i just put it together from other fight classes and edited, added, amend it.
Cat form PVP rotation
1. Tiger's fury and Berserk is on by default and they are highest priority. Yes it will cast them even if you attack a bug. Why? Fast damage burst on first contact. (Can be turned off in the settings so you have control for those CD's if you like) for example no use of burst on a Paladin bubble right!
2. Cat form will keep up Mangle, Rip, Savage Roar, and rake at there highest combo points. Once those debuffs are on the target it will mangle like crazy with auto attacks in between but also keep the debuffs up as well.
Bear form HP Recover Mode
1. Bear form kicks in at 60% Health. That may seem too much health yet but I find that with the lag time it kicks in way below 60% health so if its set any lower then 60% you will be so close to dieing before bear form kicks in. (Can manually go into bear form yourself if below 60% too and it'll stay bear form)
2. Bear form dps rotation Frenzied Regeneration, Berserk if still available and engrage
3. Your bear will keep 3 stacks of Lacerate and when its about to expire it'll Lacerate once after that to keep it on.
4. It'll mangle as much as it can with Maul as a filler.
5. At 70% health your cat form will kick back in. (if he's above 60% you can manually go to cat form if you wish and it'll stay cat form until it drops below 60% again)
Mark of the Wild, innervate, and barkskin are used with both forms when they are available. (Barkskin if the Wrobot has not used it yet you can use it manually)
Feral DPS [85]
By Sylian
Since there was no profile for Feral Druid I thought I would try to make one.
This is not a perfect one but it does do better damage than most players would do without a rotation bot (If the player isn't a pro player haha)
This bot is tested and made on Whitemane
In settings you can disable these spells:
-> Feral Charge
-> Berserk
-> Faerie Fire (Feral)
[Kiko's] Frost Mage PvE
By kiko
Tested and works on Whitemane
Deep Freeze
Ice Lance Proc (100% working)
Brain Freeze Proc (100% working)
Pet Freeze
Move backwards on Frost Novas (kinda works)
Decurse player
Conjure Food/Water & Mana Gem
Counterspell Casts
Enable / Disable features
Frost Armor
Mage Armor
Molten Armor
Use wand when oom (around 5% mana)
Lifeblood - Herbalism Ability
Goblin Racial Rocket
Single Target :Brain Freeze Proc -> Ice Lance Proc -> Frostbolt -> Pet Freeze -> Wand (if oom)
AoE : Cone of Cold on 2+ moving close mobs -> Blizzard on mob packs further than 18 yds away -> Arcane Explosion on 3+ Close Mobs
Cooldowns : Cold Snap Frost Nova -> Icy Veins on 2+ Mobs -> Mirror Image on 2+ Mobs -> Evocation on 25% mana
Combat rogue rotation
By borja112
FIght profile for combat rogue raid / instance, it does Adrenaline rush when its up, kiling spree when AR is not up and have less than 35 energy, sinister strike as filling if have less than 4 combo points if you have slice and dice up, then revealing strike and eviscerate as a finisher when slice and dice is up, when slice and dice its not up, it does sinister strike till 5 combo points and then uses slice and dice.
Also uses kick to interrupt.
Rasta's Cata Enh Shaman Leveling 10+
By Rastafistern
Fully automated enh shaman profile to use while leveling in Cata.
If you don't want to use mount there is an option to use ghost wolf through fight class. I have this because I use custom questing profiles and ignoring fights just leads to tons of deaths when going for objectives.
Some features:
Interrupts only if cast is interruptible and under 1 sec left in cast Heal out of combat until you have Healing Surge with Wave. Will then heal in combat when below half with surge. Pull with flame shock, will use earth shock if enemy has stormstrike debuff. Use maelstrom weapon on 1) Healing surge if lower than 70% life 2)Chain Lightning if fighting more than one mob 3)Lightning bolt Maintains lightning shield unless under 30% mana in which case it will maintain water shield until expired and above 30% mana (I don't use drink settings) Feral Spirits when pulling 4 or more or if the target is elite. Maintains Strength of Earth totem, will use Call of Elements at 30 to use all 4. I use SoE, Searing, Healing Stream and Windfury. MUST use SoE totem in call setup. Uses Primal Strike until Stormstrike is learned. Maintains weapon buffs, if you have an auto equip addon you maybe need to manually reset your weapon buffs when it equips new weapons.
Fight class provided as is, doubt I make any changes. Just sharing what I personally used to level on a pserv. The AOE for a enh shaman is rather lackluster so be careful with multi-pull plugin, the bot will use Fire Nova and Chain Lightning but magma totem in my experience just dies from aggro.
Glyphs used in order of importance: Lightning Shield, Lava Lash, Stormstrike, Ghost Wolf, Shocking
Hunter Survival 4.3.4 raiding
By borja112
This is my first profile, its the survival hunter pve rotation, uses explosive shot when its up, waiting for end the buff when procs for not stacking, uses black arrow when its up and uses arcane shot when focus is bigger than 60 and the other spells are down.
It uses troll racial Berserking, Rapid fire. Doesn't use Call of the Wild beacuse i don't know how to put it, neither does trinkets, if anybody know how to put trinkets in the editor please tell me.
English is not my native language anyways if you need help i can help you in english or spanish.
Actually this makes 28k dps with 391 hunter
[Kiko's] Arms Warrior for leveling 2018 update
By kiko
Tested on
Atlantiss Server
I have used this profile from level 1-85 & I have not had any problems so far.
Shadow Priest 1-85.xml
By colderpotato
Okay, this a work in progress as swap between my paladin account and this one.
It uses the following spells:
Power Word: Shield - in combat at 5 Inner Fire - at 7 Flash Heal - less than 50% hp at 3 Shadow word: Pain - at 4 Shadow Word: Death at 32 and stops Pain at 31 Mind Blast - at 9336 downloads
Ret Paladin 1 -85
By colderpotato
So, it works fairly well doing new toon since got banned for greedy grinding in the 80 - 85 range. I see a few things to update and correct as go through on a few new accounts alternating to avoid another ban.
Arcane mage 4.3.4
By craine
This is a basic arcane mage fight class. It don't do a lot but it work for basic grinder/gathering profile.
This fight class was tested on a 398 troll mage with about 16k dps on training doll.
This fight class actually only use:
Mage armor arcane missiles arcane barrage mirror image flame orb arcane blast Ice block The berserking is implented but i didn't test it so it might not work, in case you don't play a troll, you can turn berserking off in the options.
The counterspell and the Spellsteal are in the profile but i didn't test them at all.
Big cd like evocation, arcane power and time warp don't curently work, i will work on them as soon as possible.
- cataclysm
- arcane mage
- (and 3 more)
Warlock Destruction 4.3.4
By craine
This is a basic warlock destruction fight class. It handle the basic spell and work with the basic grinder/gatherer profile, the battleground work fine too.
What does it do:
Apply Fel armor Use Demon soul on cooldown Use Soul fire whenever it's overlayed and keep the "improved soul fire" buff on yourself Keep Bane of doom on target Keep corruption on target Use conflagrate whenever it's possible Keep immolate on the target Use chaos bolt when no dots refresh are needed Use Incinerate when no dots refresh are needed and when chaos bolt is on cooldown I havn't test it on a hight stuff warlock, feel free to post the dps you get so i can improve the fight class in case it's too low
- warlock
- destruction
- (and 2 more)
Bear Form Farming 2-21-2017
By reza
This is a working Bear Form I use for farming on Private Server for Cataclysm. Working version 4.3.4 (15595)
Mangle - Working
Lacerate - Working (Stacks 3 times)
Pulverize - Working (Used after 3 stacks of Lacerate)
Faerie Fire - Working (Uses when ready, Feral only)
War Stomp - Working (Obviously for only Tauren)
Enrage - Working (Used when in combat and ready)
Berserk - Working (Used when in combat and ready)
Maul - Working (Used only when extra rage)
[Kiko's] Arms Warrior for PvP
By kiko
I've been using this in battleground for about a week now & I get some really good results actually
Slowing enemies when too far way
Self heals using Rallying Cry, Berserker Rage & Enraged Regeneration
Bursts using Recklessness & Deadly Calm
& more!
Tested & working on
Atlantiss server
Affliction Warlock for leveling
By kiko
I will update this as I level up my character
Details :
DoTs are first priority always Uses Soulburn proc with Soul fire Drain Life at about 50% (This can be edited to whatever fits your character) Life tap at 45% mana if health is above 50% (This can be edited to whatever fits your character) Soul Harvest when less than 1 soul shards (this will be edited later to also use it as a healing without the need of soul shards) Health Funnel when pet is at 60%
Fight Class tested on
[Kiko's] Disc Priest Pocket Healer
By kiko
Tested on
Atlantiss Server
Used for Recruit-a-Friend Bonus EXP with party bot
I have done a few dungeons with this profile and it seems to be doing alright so far.
[Kiko's] Survival Hunter for leveling
By kiko
Profile tested on
Atlantiss server
Got me from 1-60 so far & yet again I will be updating this if I keep leveling my hunter