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Custom Profiles - Vanilla

8 files

  1. List of items that should not be vendored but rather mailed for profit

    Hey, i made a list of vanilla items that should not be vendored, but rather be sold on the auction house.
    Most of them are "white" items, so you can check sell white items in settings and still keep these valuable ones.


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  2. [Bugfix] Orgrimmar Blaze Avoider

    Hey wRobot Community, 
    with the current pathing there is a problem in orgrimmar. My bots keep running into blazes and bonfires. 
    This small plugin fixes most of these spot, if you find any spot that your chars still get stuck on in vanilla orgrimmar, please let me know.

    Download the .cs file Put it into your plugin folder Enable this plugin Remember please: A like/thank you button can be pressed for free and makes me feel like a super hero. Please press it if you use this. ?
    Orgrimmar Blaze Avoider.cs


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  3. [Product] Traveller

    This is not a custom profile! (there isn't a category for product)
    This is a product I created for your char to travel to useful places based on zone and type. It uses the pathfinding system to navigate to these places and also defends itself along the way. If it can it'll use a flightmaster to get there more quickly.
    It is still in early stages but was hoping for some feedback early on. It is just about in a working state lol.
    To use, simply place the .dll into your products folder and launch wrobot, select "Traveller" from the product list and click Play.

    The options you have are:
    Filter by Continent Filter by Zone Filter by Type (Currently has Innkeepers, Flightmasters, Vendors and Mailboxes) Select the specific NPC / Mailbox A web database link to the NPC / Mailbox which shows where on the map it is (right click the button to copy the link to your clipboard) A go to nearest of Type (select a type and then just the "Go To Type" button) It does not traverse continents at this point, so please be aware of that.
    Again, this is definitely more of a beta release, expect things not to work (go to zone is disabled).


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  4. [Extc] Tauren to Valley of Trials

    Just simple profile to move youre /mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to the valley of trials, should pick FP's at taurajo and crossroads.


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  5. Night Elf Runner

    A custom Quest profile that should get your night elf from ShadowGlen to Northshire valley fully AFK while picking up all the FP's along the way.  Will also set hearth at goldshire.
    Best to be run on a lvl 10+ char, lvl 1's will die a lot running through wetlands due to their massive aggro range and 1 hit deaths.
    Let me know if you find any bugs.


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  6. Scarlet Monastery Grave Yard

    This is a simple framework for Vanilla dungeon runs.
    Starts with a run-code to attempt to loot BoP boss loot, changes the free bag spaces and runs in.
    The kill stuff pulse kills all the stuff and is completed when close to a specific spot.  once its done that it will run out , reset the instance and run the file from the top.
    Obviously needs a lvl 60 with gear to complete the istance.  I found druids in bear form and rogues/ warriors ( with gear) quite good.
    This file itself is a bit slow.  However it is easy enough to changes the positions / NPC's to other instances. I will make a video on this shortly.


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  7. Gnome Runner

    Profile to run bots from the Gnome / Dwarf start zone over to the human start zone- AFK.
    Will go via the tram, collect SW Flightpath, set hearth at Goldshire and run to the valley.


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  8. [FREE] Alliance - Rogue Lockpicking Leveling 1-100

    Hello Everyone !
    Here is a Questing profile made for Vanilla (it will also work for TBC/WOTLK i guess but i haven't tested it).
    He will simply go to Redridge Mountains and farm "Practice Lockbox" until your Rogue hit level 100 in lockpicking.
    Remember that you need to be at least 75 in Lockpicking to perform the level 20 Rogue class quest for poison
    Learn Lockpicking from a Rogue class trainer. Having the "Thieves' Tools" in your bags to be able to perform Lockpicking spell. Launch the profil when you are already in Redridge Mountains will be better.  


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