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RecipeSniper 1.0.1

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About This File

Another super simple plugin. It will attempt to buy any item from the list that you set, every "Buy Interval" which you can set. Probably best to do this with wrotation, without setting a fightclass.

The idea behind it is to leave your char afk with the vendor frame open for a limited availability recipe you want and it will buy it as soon as it comes into stock.

Things I may add:

  • Only buy up to X amount of an item
  • Mail items in item list to X char then return to vendor
  • Move to a safe place until you want to recheck if limited supply item is available

DISCLAIMER: If you add in an item that is ALWAYS in stock it will buy 1 of it every buy interval meaning it will drain your gold until your inventory is full or you are out of gold. I am not responsible for what you add into the snipe list.

Again, this is a .cs file, edit what you want in your fav text editor.

Note: I created this because on vanilla i needed a limited supply recipe and it was extremely overpriced on the AH. Please don't overuse this and ruin it for everyone.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Updated it to be a string array editor rather than string collection editor- thanks @dontbanxs

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14 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

You should add go to vender every 5 - 10 mins so if someone is camping it you wont die because lack of death.

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. Go to the the vendor every so often inbetween doing some grinding? 

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3 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

no like say something sells for a mount of gold (15k) gold on ah and everyone si trying to farm that item theres gonna be PvP, so make it fly up to the point where you are at to avoid pvp and goes down every few mins to check the item then flys up.

Ah I see what you mean, I'll add it to the things I may add.

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33 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

no like say something sells for a mount of gold (15k) gold on ah and everyone si trying to farm that item theres gonna be PvP, so make it fly up to the point where you are at to avoid pvp and goes down every few mins to check the item then flys up.

Good idea but there is no way bot can survive even if it fly up randomly. As soon as it goes down its dead

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