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About This File

Hey guys,
I've been working on Horde Quester profiles for a few months. I'm pretty bored at the moment and my sub has ended, so I figured I'd release it.

These have been tested with and optimized for Blood Elf paladins because they're the easiest to bot. 

I leveled a lot of characters with these profiles, slowly fixing things. But they're still very messy. These are not intended for someone with minimal WRobot knowledge. I got really lazy at some points and ignored fixing things. Also, these were fully optimised with the intention that only I would use them. I know the these profiles front and back. Feel free to edit anything necessary to suit your needs.

I'll be adding more info here over time.

I recommend the QuickQuest addon and auto equip/auto quest reward plugins.

Note: It's much more afk friendly if you do not use a flying mount. If you do, bot gets stuck a lot more.


  • '[SB360] Durotar Quester 1-5' -- This is 1-5 for troll druids. No other classes/orcs will work.
  • '[SB360] Durotar Quester 5-8' -- This is for all classes and trolls/orcs. Quests: 'Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile' and 'Loss Reduction' should be buggy. Don't trust the bot for those.
  • '[SB360] Durotar Quester 8-11' -- The bot will struggle with two quests near the end that involve swimming in water. Rest is good.
  • '[SB360] Northern Barrens Quester 10-13' -- Should be fully afk including the vehicle quest. Might encounter some bugs midway through at the second quest hub. But the code worked for me.
  • '[SB360] Northern Barrens Quester 13-17' -- Should be fully afk. There's a quest involving fighting mobs with a friendly npc. If the npc dies, quest is failed. Expect bugs for quests involving pirates. Keep in mind, profile will set hearthstone. Everything else should be good.
  • '[SB360] Northern Barrens Quester 17-20' -- Should be fully afk including vehicle quests.
  • '[SB360] Ashenvale Quester 20-23' -- Fully afk.
  • '[SB360] Ashenvale Quester 23-26' -- Fully afk including vehicle quest. Beginning has bad quests underwater. Bot will drown without an anti-drown plugin. Also, theres a moving questgiver npc. Bot acts botty until I fix it.
  • '[SB360] Northern Stranglethorn Quester' -- Fully afk. Skips the last few quests of the zone but still gets the achievement. Note: Might have the boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay, but it shouldn't work. Move character yourself.
  • '[SB360] The Cape of Stranglethorn Quester 31-36' -- Fully afk. Boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet should work.
  • '[SB360] Southern Barrens 31-34' -- Only one quest should be buggy. The rest were worked on a lot.
  • '[SB360] Dustwallow Marsh Quester2' -- Fully afk. Although bot struggles in first few quests to turn in if you use QuickQuest.
  • '[SB360] Horde Feralas Quester' -- Fully afk. This was my first profile I made so I hope its good.
  • '[SB360] Tanaris Quester' -- The vehicle quest is not scripted. Rest are good.
  • '[SB360] Felwood Quester2' -- Theres some bugs but half of my bots made it through 100% afk.
  • '[SB360] Winterspring Quester2' -- Fully afk. Bot may get stuck at one quest. Rest is good.
  • '[SB360] Silithus Quester' -- Fully afk.
  • '[SB360] Blasted Lands Quester' -- Not complete. Should get halfway through zone then stop.
  • '[SB360] Hellfire Peninsula Quester 60-62' -- Fully afk. If the bot dies a lot, it won't work good. Sometimes it won't resurrect. Although the code for it is in the profile about to be finished.
  • '[SB360] Zangarmarsh Quester 62-64' -- Fully afk.
  • '[SB360] Nagrand Quester 64-66' -- It's all coded to work, but needs polishing. Couple quests are bugged.
  • '[SB360] Blades Edge Mountains Quester 66-67' -- Fully coded but bot is limited on some quests. Expect to help.
  • '[SB360] Shadowmoon Valley Quester 67-70' -- Fully coded but its a mess. I'm still working on it. Do not afk.
  • '[SB360] Borean Tundra Quester 70-72' -- This one is my pride and joy. Should be fully afk. All characters have completed the zone quest achievement.
  • '[SB360] Dragonblight Quester 72-74' -- All coded but the bot will need assistance. Only use if you know how to figure out errors with the profile.
  • '[SB360] Grizzly Hills Quester 74-75' -- Fully coded but same as Dragonblight, I need more testing. Don't afk.
  • '[SB360] Zul'Drak Quester 65-77' -- This isn't even complete and shouldn't even work.
  • '[SB360] Stonetalon Mountains Quester 26-31' -- This works but has bugs. Specifically the vehicle quests. And the elevator isn't coded. I replaced this one with Stranglethorn Vale quests.
  • '[SB360] Eversong Woods Quester 1-5' -- Only optimized for paladins. One of the final quests is coded wrong. Although I think I removed it. Might be full afk.
  • '[SB360] Eversong Woods Quester 5-12' Again, optimized for paladin. Full afk.
  • '[SB360] Ghostlands Quester 12-20' -- Optimized for paladin. Probably 99% afk. Will teleport to Undercity, then take Zeppelin to Durotar.


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has any further development been made to these profiles :)?



Did you level your paladin as prot or ret?



What would happen if i tired to run this with a troll hunter?



this works great but some of the quest are locked behind each other, is there a way to rearrange the quest order other the disabling them and re enabling them?



  On 8/7/2020 at 8:16 PM, j9000 said:

this works great but some of the quest are locked behind each other, is there a way to rearrange the quest order other the disabling them and re enabling them?


you need to use easy profile creator and there you can rearrange quests order



Profiles looks really good, i just wonder where i can change selling options? it sells all to vendor, even stuff like skins and cloths(its not in my wrobotion optiones- i have selling disabled)



Lots of good work here, does require some manual configuration of some quests but author is well forth coming with this.  Just a tip if anyone is trying to use this on MoP namely Emucoach, I had crashing issues on my client when trying to turn in quest and choose rewards.  I had to go through and edit each profile to change <GossipOptionRewardItem>0 to <GossipOptionRewardItem>1 and then all was well.


I know this was made for cata expansion but for old world content very useful on MoP 5.4.8 still.


Thanks for sharing.

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