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[PAID] 60-70 (1-60 Available) AFK Alliance (RANDOMIZED) Quester + some grinding | 275+ Quests | Flight Paths | Grinding Timer (New!) | 1-13 Draenei Demo 1.0.5

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1 Screenshot

About This File


This is my 60-70 TBC Alliance Quester + Grinder Launch.

There are roughly 280 quests in the profile and i enjoyed making it so much that I'm going to release Horde next!

I have included my 1-13 Draenei Demo as a demonstration of my work.

Thoes who are interested and need 1-60 - Please check out my thread here (Includes 1-70)




As with any profile, expect issues. Mainly issues i have seen come from Other plugins mixing with my code.

1) Enter ID Faster Error:
   This tends to happen, not your fault. You can do the Following to troubleshoot the issue, and if it continues contact me via discord.

  • DELETE -- Wrobot/Settings/AndoidoAuth____.xml
  • then Start profile, re-enter your rocketr ID

2) Invalid ID - Wait 30 Minutes:
This is the most common type of error i see with any of my products. Troubleshooting:

  • Did you re-buy, or change your Wrobot License key?
    YES? Contact me Asap. You will need a new rocketr Key.
    NO? Keep reading.

  • Did you start Wrobot.exe with One ip, and then re-start it with Another IP?
    YES? Wait it out. If you need multiple licenses ive offered this to many others before who wish to say "Bot on 2 different computers.
    NO? Contact me for more help.

4) ComponentModel.Win32Exception:

  • Easy fix. Restart your WRobot.
    This error happens because you changed an INGAME setting (windows mode. Screen size. etc) and did not restart wrobot.

5) Bot Failed To Start:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Quester.Bot.Bot.Pulse(Boolean loadSettingsProfile, String profile)

Usually an indicator that you are trying to load a Quester profile as a Grinder. Or your profile was corrupted upon download.

  • Re-download the profile. Your profile should be 39bytes, sometimes rocketr doesnt update Immediatly after an update and gives you a 0kb file.
  • If the problem still presists, make sure you have "QUESTER" Selected as your " Bot Type ".
  • If none of thoes work, contact @Andoido or a more complete troubleshooting. Steps 1 and 2 should fix it however.



DISCORD (Profile Support) --- https://discord.gg/fudFNyc







  • Buyers may only run up to 10 instances at one time per Computer.
    (You may run unlimited wow.exe's using different IP's by using a VPN
    or Proxifier)
  • Using the same Rocketr ID on more than one Wrobot Key can result in a temp ban.
  • If you need more than 10 instances of this profile running at any given time, send me an E-Mail and we can setup a special discount rate.
  • All buyers must manually update by re-downloading the profile on Rocketr. The file will be updated/re-downloaded via the E-Mail sent upon purchase of the profile.
  • Buyers should get on my Discord channel to see when I release an update.




The bot will randomly select a grinding location each time the bot is started, and reaches the code where it selects.
A new Timer was added to prevent bans - Average of 40 minutes in 1 location and the bot will re-select a new spot.






  • Automatic Updates (Coming next patch)
  • Randomized Grinding with a 40-60 minute timer when grinding.
  • I have included a Timer that will start the moment the bot starts grinding. And when the timer is up it will Re-Select a new grinding location. This is to prevent bans, and bot trains, etc. You can expect great things from this new feature ! (Horde + Alliance 1-60 will be getting it soon.)
  • Over 280 Quests in the profile. All hand done.
  • "Interact with NPC or Object" Quests have their very own RunCode because TBC is odd when it comes to Wrobot.
  • Dozens of custom codes to make sure each quest is done proper.
  • Level Restrictions - To speed up load times. There are 4 level RunCodes that will be ran if the bot meets the specified requirements - he will do the following quests. You can turn this off by unchecking the code if you want the bot to do everything (green quests etc).
  • Bot will automatically Remove quests from the Quest log due to Auto Pickup.
  • Usage of Hearthstone, several times.
  • Automatically bind you when you reach a new questing area.
  • Bot will pickup key Flight Paths - Custom code.
  • Zangermarsh Elevator - I implemented a special code just to get the Flight Path in Zangermarsh, And will do the same for Netherstorm Elevator next update.
  • Bot will fly automatically.
  • On-Screen Display to tell you what is happening at "KEY" points of the profile. In order to improve load times, i will not be placing this for each quest.
  • Custom blacklisted Areas + Mobs.
  • Detects if you have 300 skinning, and will automatically level up at the trainer.
  • Do Not Sell List - I've implemented a custom code at the beginning of the profile to prevent the selling of several valuable items that could net you some awesome gold / Reputation.
  • Profile is mostly questing. In the event that you must grind - There are 4+ grind spots the bot will choose from for each level range.
  • Many private "Follow Path" codes to prevent the bot from dying.





  • Human Master Plugin by Matenia - This is my #1 most recommended plugin for ANY bot user. This thing has so much functionality and usage i cant even list it.
  • Paid Fight Classes by Matenia (All his FC's are Amazing.) Melee DPS should invest for Ranged Pulling. - https://rocketr.net/sellers/Schaka
  • Move During Combat by Droidz - Absolutely required for ANY melee DPS (even Priests) 
  • Vanilla Flight Master - HORDE   by FNV - Definitely one of the most important plugins one can get. (Read the post)
  • Vanilla Flight Master - ALLIANCE  by FNV - Again, highly recommended because it saves you so much time.
  • Auto Pet Feeder (Hunters) - Requried for any hunter, will feed your pet.
  • Vanilla Clam Opener  by Bambo - Required if you are farming mobs that drop clams ( My profile does NOT. so this is not required.)
  • iTalents by Jasabi  - This addon is highly recommended for anybody who wants to bot 100% afk. It will auto train your talents for you so you dont have to. (Read the HOW TO on the post.)




  1. Download the Profile.
  2. Place the profile .xml inside of the " Wrobot / Profiles / Quester " Folder.
  3. Load up Wrobot.
  4. Select Quester Bot , in wrobot.
  5. Select the profile in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Start.
  7. Enter Rocketr ID - Hit Enter
  8. Done!




@Schaka - For helping with some of the Intereact with NPC code.





QUESTER --  60-70 Alliance TBC - Quester (250-300 Quests)      https://rocketr.net/buy/54b44bd0ad40


GRINDER  --  60-70 Alliance TBC - Grinder  Only                             https://rocketr.net/buy/9c3131e4ec0f




Discord - https://discord.gg/fudFNyc




[PAID] [Alliance] 1-60 AFK Quester / Grinder with Randomized Grinding + All Starting Zones - Quester - Vanilla - WRobot

[PAID][Horde] 1-60 AFK Horde (RANDOMIZED) QUESTER - 300+ Quests || All Starting Zones | Mount Support | Weapon Upgrades | All Class Quests | Much More! - Quester - Vanilla - WRobot

[PAID][HORDE] 1-300 Skinning 100% AFK - It does it all. - Quester - Vanilla - WRobot

What's New in Version 1.0.5   See changelog


Added 20+- new quests to the 68+ range.
Included new blacklists
Included new NPC / Trainers
New on screen display (being updated next)
Automatic Updates implemented

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Profile not starting up - staying at "initiallizing" and not doing anything afterwards. Started in old and new continent same result. Netherwing server. included rocket id and authentication was succesfull. Also, the window frame says something on the top left corner: Horde Version 6.3 Zoink


Fixxed: cant start profile at 58. gotta start at 60

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On 2/3/2019 at 3:35 AM, Grizzler said:

Tried the 1-13 draenei trial and "Use item on for inoculation"  just runs up and down a mountain

Same, no matter what I do it just keeps pathing up the mountain and sticking itself.

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eh. ive been away for over a week. ill have a look when i get better. TBC has a really funky way of "gathering / use item on" codes. requires further runcodes to do successfully. thanks for heads up


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On 2/7/2019 at 1:23 PM, thxgod1 said:

Profile not starting up - staying at "initiallizing" and not doing anything afterwards. Started in old and new continent same result. Netherwing server. included rocket id and authentication was succesfull. Also, the window frame says something on the top left corner: Horde Version 6.3 Zoink


Fixxed: cant start profile at 58. gotta start at 60

How did you fix it? I keep getting a popup window tell me "please wait 30 minutes..." even after paying!

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