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[H][Quester] WoD Undead start 1-20 1.1.0

   (3 reviews)

About This File

Quest profile for Undead 1-20.  This profile was built for bots with no heirlooms and no guild  XP bonus's.  The quest rewards are geared towards leather wearers, everyone can use the XP tho =).

no class quests.

From 1 to level 8/9 is clean.  The bot will get stuck at lvl 8 ( approx 80 minutes in) when at the bulwark as the next quest is in Fairbreeze village in Eversong woods and sometimes it wont take the flight path( i need to fix this part).. until then keep an eye out.  Once your in Eversong woods it smooth sailing. to about 19-20 (approx 8 hours).  There are some phasing issues around Dethknell which are causing me some grief so you may need to babysit first hour or so, if the bot is trying to pick up a quest from thin air /reload and you should be moving again.  unfortunately not much i can do there.


  • You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items.   I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate.
  • Put the search radius to 35/40
  • Allow attack target already in fight

Do no Sell list

  • Rotting Heart
  • Spinal Dust
  • Linen Cloth 
  • Wool Cloth
  • first 2 are actually important... second two are just for gold

The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end.

I'm looking to start a new profile for 20-30, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.


What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog



Finished up most of the Ghostlands quests so you should get about lvl 19-20 by the end

highly recommend running a dungeon manually around 17-18 to get some gear as questing gear is horrid then continue quest line.  



Fixed some linkage errors


Added a lot more quests in Tirisfal glades.

First profile with attempted flight master support- questionable at best

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