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[A + H][Quest] WoD Slagmine goldfarmer 1.0.0

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Quest profile.  leave the bot outside the instance and leave it for a while.

kills all 4 bosses + 90% of mobs. then runs out, resets and repeats-  so load the reset instances pluggin.

Prob best if your lvl 100 bot is Ilvl 680+

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8 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

Whats your standard G/HR with this one ?

Sub par imo.. if you need Draenor ench mats it may be worth it.

Stonecore is still up there for G/HR

Working on a firelands profile which is 900/ hour which is nice

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I remember 1 specific dungeon i used with another program, back when i played WoW before my break.

It was running in Gundrak, rinse repeat. Around 1000/hour.


Thought about that ?

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Can take a look at Gun-drak- i know they did change the drop $$ from mobs in lowbie instances... will make a profile and see what i can pull in.

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I suggest that if your looking for an instance to farm raw gold to look at the everbloom, pretty easy to solo with invasions gear, glowing seeds sells to vendor at 5g so its easy gold
(2-3k per hour claimed at youtube, i think its a lot less but maybe something around 1.5k per hour still nice)


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Watched your video where you refers to this profile when creating a dungeon profile. How does one do when running on a TBC version?
The pulse never finish the complete section:

return (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString("local _, _, numCriteria = C_Scenario.GetStepInfo(); if not numCriteria or numCriteria == 0  then completedObj = 'true'; return; end; local critID; _, _, completedObj,_,_,_,_,_,critID = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1); ", "completedObj").ToLower() == "true");


-Can never get set since the boss progression bar doesnt exist on old burning crusade

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