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Sunwell - Nightbane Discussion

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Anyone botting on the new Nightbane server?

Wondering how people are getting on with it. I did a trial yesterday and used FNVs questing pack to get up to about 27. It was quite a bit slower than grinding but I guess much safer since I was somewhat present to babysit it. All went smoothly. I decided to try grinding for a few levels and got banned within 2 hours of grinding (also vaguely watching it on one screen while I played League of Legends). Didn't see anybody around, nothing said in the log or anything like that.

Did I just get unlucky or are they doing a good job with the bot stomping?

Anyone else having luck?

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on sunwell they have good gms and you can use best fightclass best profile but if person who watch you know how wrobot work he will  report you,next gm will only do one thing 1. teleport you 20/30 yards and watch (there is plugin for this on forum) 2. or freeze/sleep you in place and just watch it takes max 30 seconds  but average 10/15 and you get ban

no one on this forum made plugin for this gm freeze/sleep command for sunwell it will be most important stuff to counter bans but no one care


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I have used the bot very little on this server, but I can say that the people who work here are absolutely retarded. The GM's have no clue what the fuck is going on. This is another cash grab server that lies about population. I'm also pretty sure the server is selling gold back door, as I have spoken to some admins on other private servers that have shown me screenshots of conversations. 


Don't bother wasting your time here. Its the biggest pile of shit since playtbc, and on day 1 of the server being up, I was able to make 600+ Gold on a character under level 25 and sell all of it without being banned.


The only good thing about this server is that it doesn't have Alexensual.

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every server is a cash grab:) on every  one  they sell gold/accounts backdoor plus every private server is a pile of shit  BUT  if real people play here there is money and its ok to bot here:)

i play on every server where i can get profit and i leave every one where i cant:P

and im just little interested how to get 600g on 25 lvl on ah yes?:) (they ban many times on angrathar for gold selling they just need time to see logs i not say they are not stupid but they ban for gold selling also server is fresh and now we have some weeks where we can "play" here easy way) we can say its bad server but price today on nightbane is little too big to leave it

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6 minutes ago, artur.k said:

every server is a cash grab:) on every  one  they sell gold/accounts backdoor plus every private server is a pile of shit  BUT  if real people play here there is money and its ok to bot here:)

i play on every server where i can get profit and i leave every one where i cant:P

and im just little interested how to get 600g on 25 lvl on ah yes?:) we can say its bad server but price today on nightbane is little too big to leave it

I exploited the gold. Its not hard when the devs are mentally challenged and dont put checks in.

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