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1-60 Horde (RANDOMIZED) QUESTER (300+ Quests) Causing major windows 10 errors


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Hey guys,

I attached my logs here. Everytime I run this specific Quester, after a couple hours I start getting stack overflow errors in windows on logonui.exe and other errors that dont go away until I reboot my computer (Manually, clicking restart in start doesn't work, it errors out). I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. At the request of the authro, i ran it in -nodx mode and it still did the same thing. 

My computer specs

Windows 10 pro

Intel i7-3960x

GTX 1080 TI


I followed all the wrobot installation guides as well. I have Bambos grinder and 1-70 truly afk quester as well, and both of those function for 24 hrs + without fail. It is only this one. I was wondering if anyone had any experiences or can assist me in making it work. One hypothesis is the profile is too long?




20 Jan 2019 23H10.log.html


Minor edit: I also disabled teamviewer and everything else in the post and I have all the dx stuff downloaded (As well as everything else)

Edit 2: It happened with another profile. Going to be reinstalling windows to try to fix it.

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Hello, it's hard to say but I think the problem comes from the profile, if the problem happens only after several hours use the relogger application to restart wow and wrobot from time to time.
If when you have this error again you can share screenshots or the text that contains these errors.

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  • 1 year later...

i am now getting these errors also, I am only using @Matenia BG product + his fightclass

Message: [string "Kuyteil.lua"]:33: stack overflow (table too big to unpack)
Time: 11/01/20 22:55:31
Count: 164

Message: [string "Kuyteil.lua"]:33: stack overflow (table too big to unpack)
Time: 11/01/20 22:55:31
Count: 164


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Personally I think it's from sloooow Lua processing and caused by LuaEventsWithArgs being called too infrequent, so the table gets too big. I do not unpack any tables in my code that are bigger than 50 keys.

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Its possible it could be from the lua events via the ingame interface.

Can you please try disabling the interface.
(DisableLINE 4) in the profile editor list.

And get back to me please. I may just remove the interface all together with the new plugins avaialble.

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Sent you a PM with an updated file that has zero ingame ui functions.
Let me know if that fixed the issue and ill push the update(s) to all the files.

Can use "WhatsGoingOn" plugin, if you need ingame stuff.

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@Andoido You can just use a simple Logging.OnChangedStatus  attachment, please note this is @Matenia free source code, i didnt make nor have anything to do with making this code. all i done was made it to work inside a quester custom script.

All you have to do is edit CreateFrameIfNecessary() to your interface code and edit the WhatsGoingOnFrame.SetText(""{0}"") to your SetText Frame.

This saves you so many lines of code, you profile has over 1000 lines of frame editing code.


public static class QuesterFrame
    public static readonly List<string> _invalidStatus = new List<string>

    public static void Starter()
        Logging.OnChangedStatus += LoggingOnOnChangedStatus;

    private static void LoggingOnOnChangedStatus(object sender, Logging.StatusChangeEventArgs statusChangeEventArgs)
        string status = Logging.Status;
        if (!_invalidStatus.Contains(status))
            Lua.LuaDoString(FormatLua(@"WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetText(""{0}"")", status));

    public static void CreateFrameIfNecessary()
        if not WhatsGoingOnFrame then
            WhatsGoingOnFrame = CreateFrame(""Frame"")
            WhatsGoingOnFrame.text = WhatsGoingOnFrame:CreateFontString(nil, ""BACKGROUND"", ""GameFontNormal"")
            WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
            WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetPoint(""CENTER"", 0, 200)
            WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 0.8)

            WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetScript(""OnMouseDown"",function() WhatsGoingOnFrame:StartMoving() end)
            WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetScript(""OnMouseUp"",function() WhatsGoingOnFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
            WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close = CreateFrame(""BUTTON"", nil, WhatsGoingOnFrame, ""UIPanelCloseButton"")
            WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetPoint(""TOPRIGHT"", WhatsGoingOnFrame, 3, 3)
            WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetScript(""OnClick"", function()
                DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(""WhatsGoingOn |cffC41F3Bclosed |cffFFFFFFWrite /WhatsGoingOn to enable again."") 	
                if WhatsGoingOnFrame:IsShown() then

    public static string FormatLua(string str, params object[] names)
        return string.Format(str, names.Select(s => s.ToString().Replace("'", "\\'").Replace("\"", "\\\"")).ToArray());


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