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Why not? is there a feature in development? It doesn't make any sense to heal via spell between combat, and then use up water with 80% mana. The problem isn't that water is so valuable, but:

(A) It looks bad to be drinknig after every fight, especially with so much mana already

(B) Running out of water means you can't drink when you're supposed to, and then you have to make too many trips back to town.

Just set it to drink from 35% to 95% and you'll be fine. I don't see what the problem is. 
The bot will only stop to regen if you drop below 35% mana and wait to finish drinking until you hit 95% or above.

  On 4/25/2019 at 8:48 PM, Findeh said:

Eat settings 1% to 95%
Drink settings 30something to 100%
Heal self if health is lower then 50% (within your fight class, not bot settings). You are welcome.


Yes, I understand how to adjust my fight class and heal settings to adjust for this issue. But this is not a fix. Healing activity in combat is not the same as out of combat, and shouldn't need to be. 


Mana and health have 2 separate recovery thresholds, and it they should be able to be handled separately. 


I can go up to about 6 fights without drinking with the right settings that include a single heal after combat. To correct for this issue, I have the choice of drinking every 2-3 fights, or entering more fights with less health, and dying more.

Still fiddling with relying on Fight Class to heal. Is there a way to have the Fight Class heal after combat? I tried adding a spell with higher HP boundary, and added a Not in Combat condition, but it seems to ignore it. I guess because it is not considering the Fight Class once it's done fighting.

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