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I made a Grind Profile with ONE Hotspot. ( I do this cause Warmane Respawn is realy high )

After the Bot cleared every mob and they respawnd, the Bot attack them again after a huge delay 1-2 min.

How can i disable that Delay so the Bot instant attack the Respawning Mobs?

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Hello, have you tried in your grinder editor to check "Is a Hotspot (no path looping)" for your zone? If yes and the problem still persist i guess the list is updated internally by movement & attacks on player so it could be resolved by a plugin but i think the first option should probably work.

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I think on the grinder side you can't do much more maybe add some spots on the same place maybe. Otherwise you need to write a plugin:

1. option would be to restart product if player standing still & out of combat & not regen

2. option would be to write an on behavior to target your npc by entry but so far i've searched you can only get the targetentry by using xml function

3. option wait til someone fix it up or can offer a better solution ;)

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On 27/05/2017 at 9:46 PM, Amazing Snake said:

Thanks for the plug, but it did not work initially, I changed 2 lines started work)) Thank you anyway for the layout of plugin !!! I am very grateful. 



He said he changed 2 Lines @Droidz 

Line 27 try to remove "//"

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