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Need: 'Combat End since MS'

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Is it possible add something like that?


I wanna Prowl with my druid after each fight so its not that easy too see that he is a Bot. But the problem is that he use Prowl before looting -.-

I need something like a Delay condition to solve that issue. 


Anyone got an idea?

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Hello, you could try this as c# code in your fightclass:

        if (wManager.Statistics.RunningTimeInSec() < 2)
            robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("Register OnLootSuccessful");
            wManager.Events.LootingEvents.OnLootSuccessful += delegate(WoWUnit unit)
                //task because with thread sleep you would block the thread
                Task.Run(async delegate
                    await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(2000);//your delay
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000);//to initialize event only once on startup

So it will cast prowl everytime after you have looted the unit. You can also extend it to do something other after loot if you want.

But i think @eeny's solution would also work with less effort :) just want to show the other possibility.

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