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I have had a lot of trouble with the quester bot running into wrong factions to sell.
So i created my own database with trainers, vendors, repair, flightmasters and so on.
and i though i would share it with this awesome community, so we all don't have to make our own.

It's still in bata - but try it out if you want - Note I have only tested it on Questing scripts!:

Guilde to set it up:

- open the file with notepad/visual studio or whatever you use to code in

- find where it says something like this :

      <Position X="-12414" Y="166.158" Z="3.393922" Type="Flying" />

- Override the NPC database in your script

- and add this c-code to your script

wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true;

Save the profiles and it should now run on your own database :) !

Alliance NPC DB.xml

Horde - NPC DB.xml

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This is awesome! It took a second to find exactly where to place it inside the profile. I'm currently testing it in CoCo Chanels 1-60 grinding profiles. It appears to sell without problems. But it doesn't even try to find an innkeeper to buy food and water from. Not a huge deal cuz i'm a priest and regen almost just as fast without water. But still would be nice!


EDIT: It might not even try because I already have water. I'll see later on today if it'll get to an innkeeper. Didn't even think about that.

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You need to set an amount of water to buy (general settings -> advanced settings), and it will only buy the water you have selected as drink in your general settings.
wRobot by itself also does NOT know what each vendor actually sells, so it is not smart enough to search for water at an Innkeeper. Rather it will go to vendor, sell items, try to buy drinks - and if not successful - tough luck.
And there's no way around it, really, because wRobot doesn't have info on what each NPC sells and it would be pretty complicated to add that.

Edited by Matenia
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On 4/12/2017 at 4:56 PM, Matenia said:

You need to set an amount of water to buy (general settings -> advanced settings), and it will only buy the water you have selected as drink in your general settings.
wRobot by itself also does NOT know what each vendor actually sells, so it is not smart enough to search for water at an Innkeeper. Rather it will go to vendor, sell items, try to buy drinks - and if not successful - tough luck.
And there's no way around it, really, because wRobot doesn't have info on what each NPC sells and it would be pretty complicated to add that.

I have only added vendors that sell food/water ;)

So if you set it up properly it should work.


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