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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  2. Hello, this problem was caused by your fightclass, what version of WRobot do you use?
  3. Hello, with code like Memory.WowMemory.LockFrame(); Vector3 found = Vector3.Zero; for (float i = 1; i < 150; i+= 0.5f) { var to = new Vector3(ObjectManager.Me.Position.X, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z - i); bool obstacleFound = wManager.Wow.Helpers.TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Me.Position, to, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestGroundAndStructures); if (obstacleFound) { found = new Vector3(to); break; } } Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame();
  4. You can use task type "ChangeWowPath" if you want use different WoW.exe
  5. Hello, you need to use C# and(or) LUA (use wrobot api wManager.Wow.Helpers.AuctionHelpers)
  6. Hello, disable "Use click to move" in advanced general settings
  7. Hello, you cannot change this, but you can change option "Max unit near" to avoid to pulls large packs of mobs.
  8. try to increment your min/max latency in advanced general settings tab "Others"
  9. Hello, put you loggin (accoun name) in "BattkeBet Account" and "Accound name"
  10. Hello, yes WRobot works on Windows XP, he uses Framework 4.0 (in required files I have put link to Framework 4.6 because this version support Framework 4.0 and has better performance, but if you use Win XP, install Framework 4.0).
  11. Hello, By default, WRobot doesn't wait after harvest. Can you share your log file please ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  12. Droidz


    Hello, try to active option "Use lua to move" in advanced general settings
  13. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3633-getting-started-with-wrobot-video
  14. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3323-quest-profile-creation-video-tutorial/
  15. If you can wait next update
  16. Droidz

    Clear chat messages

    Changed Status to Added
  17. Catch Zeppelin/Ship Quest profile: Catch Zeppelin and Ship Sample.xml // Sample of how to use Zeppelin/Ship // In this sample, WRobot catch Zeppelin from Kalimdor (Ogrimmard) to Northrend (Borean Tundra (Warsong Hold)) /* Quest settings: * Can condition: "return Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Kalimdor;" * Is complete condition: "return Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Northrend && !ObjectManager.Me.InTransport;" * Not required in quest log: "True" * Quest type: "OverridePulseCSharpCode" */ // You can get zeppelin/ship/player positions and entry ID in tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > "Dump all informations" (or "Memory information"). // Settings: var zeppelinEntryId = 186238; // Zeppelin/Ship EntryId // From var fromZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(1775.066, -4299.745, 151.0326); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (from) var fromPlayerWaitPosition = new Vector3(1762.322, -4282.175, 133.1072); // Position where the player waits Zeppelin/Ship (from) var fromPlayerInZeppelinPosition = new Vector3(1768.199, -4289.856, 133.1912); // Position where the player waits in the Zeppelin/Ship (from) // To var toZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(2837.908, 6187.443, 140.1648); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (to) var toPlayerLeavePosition = new Vector3(2836.5, 6184.367, 121.9332); // Position to go out the Zeppelin/Ship (to) // Change WRobot settings: wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; // Code: if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause) return true; if (Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Kalimdor) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.InTransport) { if (GoToTask.ToPosition(fromPlayerWaitPosition)) { var zeppelin = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(zeppelinEntryId).OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault(); if (zeppelin != null && zeppelin.Position.DistanceTo(fromZeppelinWaitPosition) < 1) { GoToTask.ToPosition(fromPlayerInZeppelinPosition); } } } } else if (Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Northrend) { if (ObjectManager.Me.InTransport) { var zeppelin = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(zeppelinEntryId).OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault(); if (zeppelin != null && zeppelin.Position.DistanceTo(toZeppelinWaitPosition) < 1) { GoToTask.ToPosition(toPlayerLeavePosition); } } } return true;
  18. Edit your profile, in replace last step (LoadProfile: HoL.xml) by step type GoToStep: 0. Try to repair/reinstall framework: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30135
  19. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to All
  20. Hello, do you call method "Save()" ? Do you get error in your log?
  21. Hello, Wow is close because you are stuck more than 25 times (you can change this settings in advanced general settings tab "Security"). (look in tab "Product settings" it is recommanded to disable Gilneas bg)
  22. Hello, lua api like http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsResting but for the talents, check if character is not in combat.
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