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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Try to copy/past again code, if this don't works can you share your fightclass or screenshot of the condition
  2. WRobot for Legion currently supports only Wow version of retail server.
  3. Hello, For fishing: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3802-fisherbot-quest/?do=findComment&comment=17769 For Pvp quests, can you give me a wowhead link of an quest?
  4. Droidz


    Hello, do you have this icon: ? This problem is probably caused by you server (just check and works fine).
  5. Sorry, I have fix code: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3839-stealth-only-if-there-is-no-skinable-corpse/?do=findComment&comment=17939
  6. Profile is loaded more quickly than plugin, add Wait step at the start: test (1).xml
  7. Hello, Can you try to reinstall WRobot, if problem is not resolved can you share your log file please (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/).
  8. Done, WRobot support Wow 7.0.3 build 22594, you need to update WRobot.
  9. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3841-update-status-patch-703-build-22594/
  10. Hello, add this "C sharp code" condition at the spell stealth: (wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitSkinnable(new List<MemoryRobot.Int128>()).Count <= 0)
  11. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3841-update-status-patch-703-build-22594/
  12. Hello, I start to work on this patch
  13. Hello, can you share your fightclass please.
  14. Hello, I'll add this. To wait you can select target in game, in WRobot go to tab "Tools" > Click on button "Development Tools" > Click on button "Target Informations", name appear in textbox between <Name> and </Name> (copy/past the name in party option).
  15. remove "// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);"
  16. Try to change your mount and try to disable you wow addons
  17. For create you helpers class, look this sample: MyLib sample.zip (extract it in your WRobot folder, don't forget to activate plugins "MyLib Loader.cs"). This plugin contains two files, "MyLib Loader.cs" and "\MyLib\MyLib.cs". "MyLib Loader.cs" load file "\MyLib\MyLib.cs". "\MyLib\MyLib.cs" is your helpers class. To try this, you can run c# code where you want: MyLibNamespace.MyLib.Test(); (It is plugin, but you can convert "MyLib Loader.cs" to integrate it at your Quester or custom profiles). To check if plugin is active use this code: bool isActive = false; foreach (var p in wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PluginsSettings) { if (p.FileName == "MyLib Loader.cs" && p.Actif) { isActive = true; break; } } or you can use "Var", in plugin Initialize method put: robotManager.Helpful.Var.SetVar("MyLibInitialised", true); and when you want check if plugin loaded (where you want in WRobot): bool isActive = robotManager.Helpful.Var.Exist("MyLibInitialised") && robotManager.Helpful.Var.GetVar<bool>("MyLibInitialised");
  18. 1: Yes: go to advanced general settings >Tab "Food / Drink" put your food/drink name (case sensitive). > Tab "Vendor..." Put "Food(Drink) Amount" at 5 (or more) and check option "Selling" (don't forget to add vendor or repair npc at you profile/npc db). 2: You need to use Relloger: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3632-relogger-tutorial-video/ or product "Schedule".
  19. I can add bobbers support, but I need the object entry (for it go to tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > Click on "Dump" button...) (you need to have bobber near ingame before to click on dump...). give me 'entry id' of the object (you can found object name in game when you put your mouse over). ___________________________ Je peux ajouter le support des flotteurs, mais j’ai besoin de l’'entry id' de l’objet (pour cela allez à l’onglet "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > Cliquer sur le bouton "Dump...") (vous devez avoir le bouchon en jeu avant de cliquer le bouton 'dump...'). Me donner "Entry id" de l’objet (vous pouvez trouver le nom de l'objet dans le jeu lorsque vous placez votre souris dessus).
  20. Hello, try to increment Min/Max Latency in advanced general settings tab "Others".
  21. To add class trainer, go to your "npc db" (tab "Tools") or edit your profile, in game select npc trainer, in WRobot select npc type (for hunter add Npc type 'HunterTrainer',...) and click on button "Add target...". WRobot go to trainer when he level up.
  22. Hello, can you share your log file please. If you can also give me object id (for it go to tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > Click on button "Dump...". give me 'entry id' of the object (you can found object name in game when you put your mouse over).
  23. Hello, you play on Wow official servers?
  24. Hello, no, its not an automatic payment.
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