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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Mage - Frost 1.0 [BR] Autodetect pet.xml
  2. I think, you don't use good id:
  3. In spell "Wild Charge" - Remove all conditions "Target distance" - Add c sharp condition with code: ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance > 5 + ObjectManager.Target.CombatReach (you can also add c sharp condition with code : "ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 25 + ObjectManager.Target.CombatReach", but normally, it is calculated automatically) Activate option "Calculate interact/combat distance by target size" (without this option, WRobot is not human with big target)
  4. If you can wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved.
  5. Hello, sorry but now WRotation is not free.
  6. Hello, do you have option "Calculate interact/combat distance by target size" activated (in advanced general settings)?
  7. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/developers-we-need-couple-new-apis-r372/?do=findComment&comment=3322
  8. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/developers-we-need-couple-new-apis-r372/?do=findComment&comment=3322
  9. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/developers-we-need-couple-new-apis-r372/?do=findComment&comment=3322
  10. If you can wait next update. (Don't forget to add in your "npc db" (or profile) the NPC trainer (for hunter add Npc type 'HunterTrainer',...) WRobot go to trainer when he level up.
  11. Hello, Sorry, this feature can be good, but I'll not add this (I want keep easy to use auction bot). You can buy item with lower price than your price (to keep monopoly), or you need to make it manually.
  12. I cannot reproduce this problem. Do you have try to reinstall WRobot?
  13. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to All
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Human Warrior start zone test
  15. Use ID don't resolved problem? http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3573-snippets-c-codes-for-fight-classes/#comment-16508
  16. Changed Status to Confirmed Changed Version to All
  17. Changed Status to Confirmed Changed Version to All
  18. Hello, if you can use default WRobot settings, "no dx" is only for users with problems with directx.
  19. Changed Status to Not a Bug Changed Version to All
  20. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1118-snippets-of-lua-codes-for-fightclass/?do=findComment&comment=17321
  21. Check if any buff/debuff by type LuaScript: anyPoison = false; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffAuraType = UnitAura("player", i); if name and debuffAuraType and debuffAuraType == "Poison" then anyPoison = true; return; end end - you can replace player by UnitId - Replace 53817 by your spell id. Research: true Var: anyPoison Wow API: http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitAura You can change "player" by "target" or "pet" or... to check target, pet... buff/debuff. You can change "Poison" by "Magic", "Disease", "Curse".
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