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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, sorry you cannot get Lua UnitId from WRobot WowObject. I have found this UnitID: none player pet vehicle target focus questnpc mouseover raid1 raid2 raid3 raid4 raid5 raid6 raid7 raid8 raid9 raid10 raid11 raid12 raid13 raid14 raid15 raid16 raid17 raid18 raid19 raid20 raid21 raid22 raid23 raid24 raid25 raid26 raid27 raid28 raid29 raid30 raid31 raid32 raid33 raid34 raid35 raid36 raid37 raid38 raid39 raid40 raidpet1 raidpet2 raidpet3 raidpet4 raidpet5 raidpet6 raidpet7 raidpet8 raidpet9 raidpet10 raidpet11 raidpet12 raidpet13 raidpet14 raidpet15 raidpet16 raidpet17 raidpet18 raidpet19 raidpet20 raidpet21 raidpet22 raidpet23 raidpet24 raidpet25 raidpet26 raidpet27 raidpet28 raidpet29 raidpet30 raidpet31 raidpet32 raidpet33 raidpet34 raidpet35 raidpet36 raidpet37 raidpet38 raidpet39 raidpet40 party1 party2 party3 party4 partypet1 partypet2 partypet3 partypet4 nameplate1 nameplate2 nameplate3 nameplate4 nameplate5 nameplate6 nameplate7 nameplate8 nameplate9 nameplate10 nameplate11 nameplate12 nameplate13 nameplate14 nameplate15 nameplate16 nameplate17 nameplate18 nameplate19 nameplate20 nameplate21 nameplate22 nameplate23 nameplate24 nameplate25 nameplate26 nameplate27 nameplate28 nameplate29 nameplate30 nameplate31 nameplate32 nameplate33 nameplate34 nameplate35 nameplate36 nameplate37 nameplate38 nameplate39 nameplate40 boss1 boss2 boss3 boss4 boss5 arena1 arena2 arena3 arena4 arena5 arenapet1 arenapet2 arenapet3 arenapet4 arenapet5 npc spectateda1 spectateda2 spectateda3 spectateda4 spectateda5 spectateda6 spectateda7 spectateda8 spectateda9 spectateda10 spectateda11 spectateda12 spectateda13 spectateda14 spectateda15 spectatedb1 spectatedb2 spectatedb3 spectatedb4 spectatedb5 spectatedb6 spectatedb7 spectatedb8 spectatedb9 spectatedb10 spectatedb11 spectatedb12 spectatedb13 spectatedb14 spectatedb15 spectatedpeta1 spectatedpeta2 spectatedpeta3 spectatedpeta4 spectatedpeta5 spectatedpeta6 spectatedpeta7 spectatedpeta8 spectatedpeta9 spectatedpeta10 spectatedpeta11 spectatedpeta12 spectatedpeta13 spectatedpeta14 spectatedpeta15 spectatedpetb1 spectatedpetb2 spectatedpetb3 spectatedpetb4 spectatedpetb5 spectatedpetb6 spectatedpetb7 spectatedpetb8 spectatedpetb9 spectatedpetb10 spectatedpetb11 spectatedpetb12 spectatedpetb13 spectatedpetb14 spectatedpetb15 commentator but you cannot found all mobs with this. You can try to bypass problem with this code (not tested): public static int GetThreat(WoWUnit target) { int threatpct = 0; string luaCode = "local _, _, threatpct, _, _ = UnitDetailedThreatSituation('player', 'target'); return threatpct;"; try { if (!target.IsValid) return 0; if (target.IsMyTarget) { threatpct = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(luaCode); } else { var currentTarget = ObjectManager.Target.GetBaseAddress; Memory.WowMemory.LockFrame(); Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove); threatpct = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(luaCode); if (currentTarget > 0) Interact.InteractGameObject(currentTarget); else Lua.LuaDoString("ClearTarget();"); } } catch { } finally { Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); } return threatpct; }
  2. Hello, try to launch wrobot with shortcut "WRobot no dx".
  3. Droidz

    Item Count is not working

    Hello, In "Spell settings" put false at "Lock frame when checking the conditions" and add timer (5000) (to avoid to cast two time). Create Healthstone.xml
  4. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2652-how-to-cancel-the-current-cast/
  5. Hello, I'll no add Vanilla at WRobot. You can found some bot for this wow version on the web.
  6. Bonjour, essayer de changer la version de directx en jeu. Si le problème n'ai pas résolu essayer de désactiver vos addon wow. Si vous avez encore des crashs essayer de lancer WRobot avec le raccourci "WRobot no dx". Enfin, si le problème n'ai pas résolu lisez ceci http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 (n'oublier pas de partager votre fichier log à la prochaine demande d'aide).
  7. Update WRobot, he support now wow patch 22423
  8. Hello, Can you read step 12: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 If your problem is not resolved, can you send me screenshot of your wrobot window please.
  9. Hello, If you can wait next update and confirm that this problem is resolved.
  10. Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback Changed Version to All
  11. Hello, if you can wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved.
  12. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/recruit-a-friend-connected-players-do-always-have-dead-flag-r480/
  13. Hello, yes WRobot work with Windows 10. Read this: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/hooking-error-wow-is-closing-r325/?do=findComment&comment=2558 please share your log files.
  14. What is your current game version?
  15. Hello, relaunch WRobot and accept update. Regards
  16. Hello, WRobot support now Wow Legion pre-expansion patch ( If you play on european server, wait tomorrow to update WRobot (if you have updated WRobot, you can download old version of WRobot here).
  17. Hello, WRobot support now Wow Legion pre-expansion patch ( If you play on european server, wait tomorrow to update WRobot (if you have updated WRobot, you can download old version of WRobot here). View full article
  18. Droidz

    Debug Helper

    You can try addon like https://www.wowace.com/addons/bug-grabber/ You can also try to run one by one your scripts. If you need help share your scripts.
  19. Droidz

    LICENSE KEY not working

    Changed Status to Fixed
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