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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hi, try wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListZoneBlackListed().RemoveAll(z => z.Comment == "comment to remove"); // or wManager.wManagerSetting.GetListZoneBlackListed().RemoveAll(z => z.GetPosition().DistanceTo(new Vector3(1, 2, 3)) < 0.5);
  2. Hello, you have try to reeinstall WRobot in new folder (to reset all settings)? You get this problem since when?
  3. When you are on the bridge the distance between you and the corpse is less than 40?
  4. Hello, in wow settings don't unlock FPS (and use fps limit like 60 or less)
  5. private bool _retrieveCorpseWindow { get { return Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadInt32(0xBD0820 - 0x400000, true) > 0; } }
  6. WRobot go to corpse position if local dialog = StaticPopup_FindVisible('RECOVER_CORPSE_INSTANCE', nil); (if dialog == true) of if you haven't resurect popup
  7. Npc is flagged flightmaster? (dev tool > target info)?
  8. Hey, Add Relogger.exe to project references in visual studio. Relogger plugins is in folder "Plugins\Relogger\" It is sample plugin: Relogger test plugin.cs
  9. Hi, you get this problem in all zones?
  10. Hi, is done, I released version for BfA (you need to redownload updater)
  11. This is normal, everything is loaded when the bot starts (fightclass, profile (especially quest profiles), ...)
  12. Hello, try https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/12585-how-to-use-mount-with-item-id-in-mount-options/?tab=comments#comment-60315
  13. Hello, it is strange. Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ). (remove all logs files in the folder, run WRobot until crash and share new log files)
  14. Hello, in product settings try to put lower value at the option "Bobber search time"
  15. Hello, you can the best is to use quest product but it require good skill to do this yourself.
  16. Hi, wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.SkipPickUpQuestAfterXSecondes you need to change it in questcontext
  17. Hello, in advanced general settings try to put lower value in "Mount Distance" tab mount
  18. Droidz

    totown Mammoth bug

    Can you try with this dll (tell me if problem is resolved or not to add it to the next update) wManager.dll
  19. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  20. hi, you have added food or drink to buy? by default, if he don't need to repair and buy (need only to sell) WRobot goes to nearest repair or vendor. If he need to repair and sell he goes to nearest repair
  21. Hello, create grinder profile and add mobs (grinder will gather too)
  22. try to increment your min latency
  23. I tested and mail works on Cata. I got your error message but bot send mails
  24. Hi, I hope to continue to improve the behavior little by little
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