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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/files/file/421-settings-backup/
  2. Try to use http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetItemCooldown and http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetItemCount var itemId = 64488; var count = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("return GetItemCount("+itemId+", nil);"); Logging.Write("Count = " + count); var timeLeft = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<double>("local startTime, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown("+itemId+"); return startTime + duration - GetTime();"); Logging.Write("Item Cooldown time left (seconde) = " + timeLeft);
  3. Bonjour, Vous devez avoir un abonnement WRobot pour pouvoir télécharger des fichiers pour WRobot pour serveur officiel.
  4. Changed Status to Confirmed Changed Version to All
  5. Droidz

    Moves when fishing

    http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/fishingbot-weapon-swap-r530/?do=findComment&comment=3452 if you can you send me screenshot of your current fisherbot settings.
  6. Hello, I cannot reproduce this problem, can you send me screenshot of your current fisherbot settings.
  7. Hello, do you have try to activate option (in "Product Settings") "Back to last profile position"
  8. Pouvez-vous essayé de supprimer le dossier: "WRobot\Data\Meshes\Troll Raid\" (redémarrer le WRobot une fois le dossier supprimé) Pouvez-vous essayé également de désactiver l'option "Skin/Gather/Mine" et me dire si vous obtenez le même problème.
  9. I don't speak Chinese, but you can translate WRobot yourself ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/381-how-to-translate-wrobot/ )
  10. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3921-no-longer-queueing-and-leaving-bg-automatically/?do=findComment&comment=18265
  11. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3921-no-longer-queueing-and-leaving-bg-automatically/?do=findComment&comment=18265
  12. Can you give me button name (where you want to click): http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1689-useful-scripts/?do=findComment&comment=8447
  13. Can you try to extract on your wow folder and run wow with this file: Wow_18414.zip
  14. Hello, this fightclass don't works? http://wrobot.eu/files/file/663-335a-retri-paladin-by-bettersister/ http://wrobot.eu/files/file/666-335a-prot-paladin-by-bettersister/
  15. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3886-taxi-doesnt-work-in-russian-client/
  16. Hello, I cannot add possibility to pulse several quests at the same time. But you can interact/kill and gather like this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3331-feature-request-new-profile-quest-pulse-types/?do=findComment&comment=16900
  17. Can you share your log file please (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/).
  18. Droidz


    Hello, reply by private message.
  19. Bonjour, avez vous essayé sur une nouvelle installation de WRobot si vous obtenez ce problème? (réinstaller juste votre fightclass/profile, garder les config par défauts pour tester)
  20. Try to increment min/max latency option in advanced general settings.
  21. Hello, normally WRobot go to water surface automatically. Try to disable wow addons and check if jump is assigned at normal keyboard key.
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