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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ) and screenshot of your error.
  2. Hello, you have an option in advanced general settings tab "pathfi..." but that does not entirely solve your problem. For the moment, no perfect solution.
  3. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/13350-help-pathfinder-server-seem-down/?do=findComment&comment=63228&_rid=1
  4. Hello, I restarted all servers, problem should be resolved
  5. Hello, At the moment you are the only one reporting this problem. Without further report there is a great chance that it is a detection of your IP (or maybe of your web browser / client wow)? Try also to change your profile/fightclass/plugin
  6. Hello, Can you activate option "Show server logs" in advanced general settings tab "path finding" please and share your log file again.
  7. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/13320-question-about-the-auction/?tab=comments#comment-63176
  8. Hello, no, Auction bot is very basic, I added few days of subscription to your account to test this product (you can found license key here: https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ ). (in next bot update I'll allow trial version users to use auction bot).
  9. not for this game version sorry, you can use VM (if your computer is powerful enough)
  10. WRobot for BFA poorly supports Windows 7, try with Windows 10.
  11. Salut, Le bot devrait mettre la mine/herbe en liste noir et passer à la suivante (ou continuer le chemin). Tu peux partager le fichier log d'une session avec ce probleme.
  12. Copy/past here content of log file, I can't download files
  13. Hello, You can found your license key here: https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ Kind regards
  14. Can share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  15. Hello, try to launch bot with shortcut "WRobot (DX hook)"
  16. Hello, 10 Archaeology Digsites Zones in the data base. I think you have badly installed digsites.xml Try to download again https://wrobot.eu/files/file/276-seus-journey-to-the-center-of-the-earth-pandaria-archaeology-100-complete/ and move downloaded file in the folder "WRobot\Data\"
  17. Hello, Paypal suspended my account again. PayPal will no longer be available on this site.
  18. Hello, check your website private message and your mailbox, but paid profiles are not managed by this website
  19. Hi, how I reply by private message if you can share share logs files of last sessions (in "Logs" folder) (and screenshot of error if you have)
  20. Hello, you can found invoice here: https://wrobot.eu/clients/orders/
  21. Hello, try to remove wow cache and to download/install bot again in new folder (with default settings). Run "Automation" to check if the bot follow god path.
  22. Hey, sorry if you can again update, problem should be resolved
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